We all know that spinach is Popeye’s favorite food, and it makes him strong and virtually indestructible. In the real life it is different, but still spinach is very healthy and nutritious.
We should include it in our diet. If you love spinach, find out which are the advantages of the spinach and the proper ways to consume it.
Spinach s loaded with vitamins and minerals like folic acid, vitamins A, B, C, E, iron, manganese and potassium.
It is also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, two powerful antioxidants which can prevent numerous diseases. Therefore, you need to consume it on a regular basis to protect yourself from various health issues.
However, you have to remember not to re-heat it, because it also contains nitrates which under the influence high heat, it turns the nitrites into nitrosamines.
These are very dangerous and carcinogenic for the human organism. You should always eat it fresh and even if you want to eat it the next day, you should not re- heat it. You can eat it cold. It can be delicious like that as well.
Spinach is an excellent and nutritious vegetable. You can consume it in regular basis, but you must remember not to re-heat it again.
Source: healthtipsportal
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