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Iridology is the science of finding health issues by looking at the iris of the eye. According to this science, if you notice a spot on ...
Pimple on tongue, or lie bumps are small, soft, white or red bumps that appear on the surface of the tongue. These look swollen and are...
The kidneys are our organs that filter out toxins and waste products from the blood and produce urine. The toxins affect the function of...
Blackheads are small black bumps that are a result of clogged skin pores. Exposure to the air makes it look black, hence be name blackh...
The Chinese as well as the Indian astrology believe that moles on the human body tell a lot about a person. Your 'til' can tell...
Try it out and expect changes in just a week! Healthy lifestyle plays an important role to improve your health. Quitting smoking, chan...
Foamy urine – it’s the closeness of a white froth or bubbly froth in the toilet bowl in the wake of urinating. Expert say that foamy uri...
Diabetes affects about 29.1 million Americans, and with such a high prevalence most individuals thinked they know just about everything...
Approximately 10% of all women of reproductive age suffer from endometriosis, a disease about which very little is known and which is no...
The gap between the nose and the upper lip is called the philtrum. This area is developed so as to connect the three different points on...
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