Houseleek and Honey - Natural Remedy for Cysts and Fibroids

Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum – Latin name) is a common house plant originally cultivated by the Greeks and Romans, together with other plants so as to prevent them from caterpillars, insects and pests.

This plant is also abundant in medicinal properties especially when it comes to the treatment of cysts and fibroids.

Folk Remedy against Cysts and Fibroids


  • 500 g honey
  • 300 g leaves of houseleek


  • First chop the leaves of houseleek into small pieces and add them to the honey in a bowl.
  • Leave the mixtures to stay for 3 days until they are well soaked.

How to consume:

  • One teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach and then half an hour do not eat or drink anything.
  • One teaspoon between lunch and dinner (at least 2 hours after lunch, and at least half an hour before dinner)
  • One teaspoon before bedtime

Take care to use wooden or plastic teaspoon.

Houseleek and honey is really one of the most effective natural remedies for fibroids and cysts. If you are wondering how much time is needed for treatment, here is the answer. For smaller cysts treatment may take only 20 days. But for larger fibroids a few months. Anyway, worth a try.

Houseleek is quite safe for use and side effects are extremely rare.

This remedy is extremely beneficial for stimulating your metabolism and cleansing your body off toxins.

Plus, this remedy is can do wonders for cardiovascular disease as well. It has even been recommended by Russian doctors.


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