How to Get Rid of Lie Bumps (Pimple on Tongue)

Pimple on tongue, or lie bumps are small, soft, white or red bumps that appear on the surface of the tongue. These look swollen and are painful. These come up when fungiform papillae that hosts your taste buds gets irritated. Medically referred to as transient lingual Papillitis, it is not a life threatening condition. However, you do have to make some lifestyle changes as well as other home remedies to get rid to them.

Symptoms of Pimple on Tongue
The inflammation of the fungiform papillae causes the bumps to look large and white in color. This is different from pimples caused by herpes which will have a yellowish color and a puss like liquid will appear after a few days. These symptoms may be accompanied by fever or flu symptoms.
Pimples in children could be caused by an eruptive lingual papillitis. In this case, the bumps will have excess saliva and the child will have feeding problems. In rare cases, there will be swollen lymph nodes and fever symptoms.

What Causes of Pimple on Tongue?

1. Food allergy
There are certain foods that can activate allergic reactions in your body system. This leads to pimples which occur as your immune system responds by ejecting the ingested allergen out of your body through the skin.

Often, when you eat foods or snacks like chips, pretzels, or nachos, you are likely to irritate the papilla; causing a pimple effect. Such products have a rough texture that hurts when you repeatedly chew them.

2. Injury
Tongue biting, eating hard and rough foods [like candles, chips] piercings jewelry or dental braces can irritate or bruise your tongue and cause painful or sore pimple like bumps or swellings especially on the side as well as the tip of the tongue. These pimples could appear white when they begins to heal.


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