Usually obese people and people with dark skin often have a problem with a skin condition called Acanthosis Nigricans. It appears between legs and in the groin area.
If you notice darker skin between your legs or in the groin area you should not panic, but also you should not ignore it because it maybe is a sign of a serious disease.
This conditions can also be warning sign of a tumor, hormonal imbalance, genetic factor, and type-2 diabetes.
The symptoms are:
The condition may sometimes cause Irritation and itching The skin may turn brown and it is thicker and softer
Acanthosis Nigricans usually appears between the legs or in the groin area, but it can affect any area of the skin
If you experience any of these symptoms, you need to visit dermatologist right away!
If you want to lighten that dark skin, you can just use simple natural ways. This article will show you a few:
1. Baking soda
Sodium bicarbonate acts as a skin exfoliant. It cleans the skin and removes dark spots. All you will have to do is to create a thick paste with mixing 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water. On the affected area, apply the mixture. Let it dry and then rinse it off. It will clean your skin perfectly and all of the dark spots will be removed. You should repeat this procedure twice a week.
2. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera can help in repairing and regenerating skin cells, and with that it can help in cancer prevention. Apply some of the gel on the darkened area. Leave it stay for about 20 minutes. At the end wash it off with water. If you are in a hurry to lighten the darkened area do this procedure every day.
3. Lemon
We all know that lemon is rich in vitamin C which makes this fruit advantageous for getting rid of dead skin cells and toning the skin. Just apply some lemon juice on the affected area, and rub it a few minutes. Let it act for 20 minutes, then clean it off.
4. Cucumber
Cucumber will help in preventing any tingling or irritation of the skin. And with the combination with lemon juice, the results are amazing. This is maybe the most efficient way of lighting the darkened area. Just combine lemon juice, cucumber juice, and a pinch of turmeric. On the dark spots apply from the mixture. You can use it every day if you like, because it doesn’t have any side effects. Another way of using cucumber in lighting the darkened area is to rub the affected area with slice of cucumber.
Source: healthadviceteam
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