Fight Cavities With This Coconut Oil At Home. Amazing!

It is crucial to maintain our mouth as clean as possible in order to prevent the occurence of sores, tartar or cavities. 

Cavity prevention starts at home. If you floss regularly, brush twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste and rinse with mouthwash, you can prevent tooth decay. However, there are cases when toothpastes and mouthwashes don't suffice. When this problem occurs, you can always turn to natural medicines.

According to a 2012 study by the Atlone Institute of Technology, coconut oil has the power to suppress harmful bacteria.  It is very beneficial in removing Streptococcus, Candida Albicans, and Strep mutans, known causers of oral health issues.

Dr. Damien Brady, who led the researchers, stated that including enzyme-modified coconut oil to dental hygiene products is a good alternative for chemical additives. Although unaltered oil might not be as effective as the enzyme-modified one, it’s still very beneficial, without any side effects.

Oil pulling is the practice of using coconut oil for the oral health. It means swishing a tbsp of oil in the mouth cavity for 10 to 20 minutes with the purpose to ‘pull’ as many bacteria as possible from the mouth into the oil. 

The ‘skin’ of mouth-residing bacteria cells is made of fat, and as such, these are drawn to the fat within the oil. Coconut oil also contains lauric acid, which is excellent at shutting down harmful bacteria.

If you want to try out the oil pulling method, you might fail several times until you adjust the amount of oil in the mouth so it can have an actual effect. You need to spit the oil in the trash, not the sink. Also, rinse the mouth thoroughly after the oil pulling to prevent any leftover bacteria from moving into your system when you swallow. It’s important to note that this method is in no way a replacement for regular tooth-brushing.


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