Try These Simple Tricks To Soothe Your Sore Throat, Clear Stuffy Nose, Migraine And Treat Other Ailments

This article is about simple tricks that can soothe your sore throat, clear stuffy nose and treat any other ailment. By stimulating certain spots, focusing on other things, and applying some handy tricks you can treat the most irritating ailments, stress, and aches.

1. Clear stuffy nose
*Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, and press your index fingers against your eyebrows. This will loosen your mucus. Take a deep breath every 20 seconds then goodbye to your phlegm.

2. Soothe a scratchy throat
*Scratching your ear is the best thing ever. This is according to Dr. Schaffer, M.D. President of an ear, nose and throat specialty center: “When the nerves in the ear are stimulated, it creates a reflex in the throat that can cause a muscle spasm. This spasm relieves the tickle.”

3. Prevent burn scars
*Press your fingers against the burnt skin area. This will delay the restoring of the normal body temperature in that part, and you will not have to deal with nasty blisters later. Your skin  will heal naturally, and you will not have any burn scars.

4. "Chill" the nerves
*Splash ice-cold water in your face and hold your breath while doing so. The icy power will lure your brain into triggering the “mammalian diving reflex.” It helps the body use oxygen better, and you are calm again! WebMD says that the connection between cold water and stress relief has been discovered long ago. You can also drink a glass of cold water.

5. Get rid of nervousness
*Blow on your thumb to calm your nerves instantly. This will regulate your breathing and control the vagus nerve, and thus slow your heart rate.

6. Deal with needles without fear
*When the nurse is getting ready to insert that needle in your muscle, just cough slightly. You won’t think of the pain at all! But, make sure you share your secret with the nurse, because your cough may cause undesired complications.

7. Relieve migraine in a few seconds
*Stimulate the same spot between your thumb and index finger using the thumb and forefinger of your other hand. Apply a mild pressure, and hold it for 2 minutes on each side.


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