7 Things That Women Keep On Doing, But Are Not Approved By Gynecologists

Every woman wants to be super aware of what’s going on down there, and her private part to be in a good health. If you want to be healthy you need to follow your gynecologist’s advice, including what should and should not do. Any good gynecologist will not approve the following things.

Going Home In The Sweaty Clothes You Wore In The Gym
If you’re with a tight schedule, or if you’re late for dinner, and you need to leave the gym immediately, don’t run wearing the clothes you’ve been sweating in the gym for an hour. Women should immediately take off the sweaty clothes, as bacteria and fungi usually grow and develop in moist, warm environments, which can sometimes lead to various infections. 

Most common are yeast infections, vaginitis, irritation and redness. Experts recommend exercising in clothes that are designed to take away the moisture; and shower and change after finishing the workouts, preferably with 100% cotton undergarments.

Assuming That Painful Intercourse Is Normal
If you are afraid of having intercourse, just because it has become painful recently, consult your doctor immediately. Painful intercourse may be caused by many reasons, including uterine fibroids, vaginal infections, endometriosis, constipation, ovarian cysts, and etc.

Taking Heavy or Prolonged Menstrual Cycles For Granted
No matter your age or how close you think you’re to menopause, you should visit your gynecologist if you have to change tampons or sanitary pads every hour; or if you’re using both at the same time as a double protection, to prevent an incident from happening. Average loss of blood during a menstrual cycle should amount to about 30 to 40 milliliters (2.5 tablespoons), with 20 to 80 ml considered to be typical. Everything above that is considered heavy menstruation.

Wearing A Thong
Wearing thong can cause irritation as well as wearing underwear made from unnatural materials, which can cause fungal infection. Remember that the intimate area is the most sensitive part of the body 

For those who don’t love it, this is an excellent excuse not to wear uncomfortable underwear. But, to those women who prefer wearing thongs, physicians say that they can rub and pull the skin, thereby instigating irritation and hampering proper ventilation. Without sufficient airflow, the area becomes more prone to the growth and development of yeast infections.

Believing All The Information You Read Online
Every day doctors meet patients who diagnose themselves with the help of Internet and they only want the doctor to prescribe them certain medicines. Patients must realize that they cannot heal themselves as they are not doctors with knowledge and experience.

Self-Medication What You Think is Yeast Infection
Many women, purchase over the counter yeast infections medication at the first sign of itching or increased vaginal discharge that treat. But, what troubles you down there, might not always be a yeast infection. If you self-medicate your supposed health condition, you may mess up the diagnosis and put yourself in a worse situation. Always consult your gynecologist for proper diagnosis and the best possible treatment.

Answering Your Phone During Medical Examination
Do you answer your phone during your gynecological examination? Doctors wish you would stop! Established eye to eye contact among the gynecologist and its patient are crucial for good interaction and proper diagnosis.


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