What The Shape Of Your Mouth Reveals About Your Personality

Have you ever wondered what your lips are saying about your personality? According to some psychologists, there is a connection between the shape of your lip and your natural disposition. Lips can be categorized into certain types based on their fullness, width, and overall shape. Here are some of the interesting things that your lips may reveal about you.

Full Lips
Although women with fuller lips look very sexy, they are greedy, and often emotionally immature. However, the degree of confidence in them is very high.

Full lips are said to represent a nurturing and compassionate spirit. For this reason, full-lipped women tend to make good mothers.

Thin Lips
Thin lips can make a mouth look tiny even if it is actually wide. Women with thinner lips may have a sense of shyness or insecurity. However, women with thin lips are usually grounded and sensible, so they are prone to success.

Small Mouth
If your mouth is not very wide in comparison to the rest of your facial features, you have a small mouth. Women with small mouths are typically kind, generous, and agreeable. Though they may not have many friends, their friends will be very loyal and true.

Wide Mouth
A large mouth is one that is wider than your nose, chin, and other features. Women with wide mouths tend to be commanding and talkative. They are usually talented perfectionists who make friends easily. Your ambitious nature is hidden behind a large mouth. A wide smile is indicative of a highly energetic and outgoing personality

Heart-Shaped Lips
Women with these lips are seductive, fearless and independent. They love the finer things in life and freely express their feelings. They are not afraid of anything and are hedonist.

Downward-Turned Lips
Some women have lips with corners that are somewhat low and almost appear to droop downwards. If you have this lip shape, you can tend to be somewhat withdrawn, private, and thoughtful. This brainy yet critical personality can scare some people away.

Round Lips
Round lips are full lips combined with a small mouth. Button-shaped lips signal that a person is usually open-minded and curious. This interest in exploration can lead to a bit of a rebellious nature.

Oval Lips
Women with oval lips have barely any peaks or dents along their top lip, and their bottom lip is full and wide. Women with oval shaped lips are usually youthful and lively. People are naturally drawn towards your vivacious nature.

Source: positivemed


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