Simple Trick To Remove Brown Spots From Your Skin

Brown spots are one of the first signs of inevitable aging process that usually appear on the face area, hands, limbs and shoulders. As people grow old, they tend to multiply.

You don’t have to worry about them, fortunately there is a simple and easy trick which will help you to get rid of these annoying age spots.

The best part about this trick is that you need only 2 ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen, so you will save some money.

What causes the appearance of age spots?
One of the major reasons of the appearance of brown spots are the excessive exposure to sunlight as well as to UV rays. When you are exposed to the sun for a longer period of time, the melanin appears in the body more quickly. In fact, melanin is the thing that is responsible for the dark, chocolate ten of your skin.

After some time, the tan will disappear, but the dark brown spots appear on those areas that were the most exposed to the sun.

Can age spots harm health?
It does not necessarily mean that every age spot will turn into cancer, but here are some things that you must keep in mind:

Pay particular attention to any spot that is growing or changing.

If some spots are much darker than others
Look for any funky borders around the spots.
If your brown spots have become red or tender, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

In order to stop worrying and to eliminate every doubt you have, you should take the ABCDE’s of Melanoma test. This test will help you see the condition of your spots and find out if they go in the wrong direction.

Get rid of your age spots
All you have to do is to make a simple solution of these 2 ingredients that will help you eliminate your dark brown spots. Watch the video bellow in order to learn the benefits of this remedy.

Organic apple cider vinegar and fresh fresh onion juice are extremely beneficial and when combined, they can do wonders for your skin. ACV has the ability to remove the dead layers of the skin as it contains alpha hydroxyl which can act as a natural exfoliant. On the other hand, fresh onion juice contains antioxidants which are able to reduce free radical damage, thus protecting the outer layer of the skin

Anti-age spot recipe


  1. First, cut the fresh onion into pieces and put it in a Ziploc bag
  2. Pulverize the onion using a blunt surface and pour it into a blender.
  3. Blend the onion with a 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar until smooth.
  4. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and apply on your age spots. In order to get the best results, do this procedure every day, for 2-4 weeks.

You need to be patient because you cannot see results overnight. You will notice the first results within a few weeks, but still you will need to continue with the treatment and in the end, you will be amazed for sure.

Is there any way to prevent age spots?

  • You can wear shirts with long sleeves and some comfy pants
  • Use sunscreen (even in winter)
  • Calculate the time you spend out in the sun
  • Stay away from tanning beds

Source: tiphero


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