She Cured Her Stage 4 Cancer With Only One Ingredient!

Her name is Ann Cameron, an author of 15 children’s books. This fabulous author was unfortunately diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in 2012. . However, she never gave up and managed to beat the disease with only one natural ingredient. She decided to share her battle with cancer, as well as her secret remedy.

This wasn’t the first encounter Ann had with cancer her husband died from lung cancer, even though he received chemotherapy, she decided to defeat the disease.

After being diagnosed, Ann underwent surgery and then she was scheduled for chemotherapy. However, she was disappointed by her husband’s death after the chemotherapy treatment, so decided not to accept the chemotherapy treatment. Instead, Ann started searching for alternative treatment methods.

During her research Ann found a story of 26-year-old Ralph Core who was diagnosed with skin cancer. This man cured his cancer naturally by drinking 2 and ½ kilograms of carrot juice on a daily basis.

Then Ann decided to try the same alternative treatment and she started drinking the same amount of carrot juice every day.

Ann drank the juice for 2 months. After these 2 months of carrot juice treatment, her medical tests showed that the cancer in her body stopped spreading. The size of her lymph glands and tumors decreased.

After 16 weeks of drinking the juice, Ann’s life come back to normal and the cancer continued to withdraw.

After 32 weeks of treatments, Ann’s CT scan showed that she was cancer free completely.
Some alternative treatments are forbidden during the conventional treatments of radiation and chemotherapy. On the other side, carrot juice is completely safe. It is compatible both with radiation and chemotherapy. However, Ann decided on the carrot juice treatment only, because she wanted to avoid the side effects of chemotherapy.

So, Ann’s only treatment was carrot juice. She recommends postponing chemotherapy or radiation and trying this alternative treatment first. It may stop the cancer spreading and even cure you completely.


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