Tilapia is one of the most consumed fish nowadays. It cannot be overcooked, has no bones and skin and is very cheap unlike the other fish in the market.
But, what should make you think twice when choosing tilapia for dinner is the fact that this fish is not bred in the wild. In fact, its ‘natural’ habitat is fish farms in China, where natural food such as algae and lake plants is substituted with GMO soy, corn and a multitude of antibiotics and pesticides.

Worst of low, this fish is basically depleted of fish oil, the most important nutrient in fish. This is such large scale farming, that thousands of fish are harvested each day. Consumers can hardly find wild tilapia on the supermarket.
This fish is very popular because of its availability and inexpensiveness. However, you must learn everything that can be possibly known about this fish before consuming it.
1.The consumption of this fish can increase the inflammations that are going on in the body. The increased inflammations can lead to heart problems, asthma and many other serious diseases. The consumption of this fish is worse than eating bacon or a hamburger. We eat fish in order to consume omega-3 fatty acids that decrease the risks of having a heart attack, but this fish does the opposite – it increases the chances of having a heart attack.
2. Farmed tilapia contains pollutants; dangerous ingredients often added with their feed, a feed which is actually given to farm raised fish containing chicken feces. Consuming farmed tilapia increases the cancer risks by 10 times, so this all the more reason why you should stop eating tilapia.
3. Tilapia also contains high amounts of pesticides and antibiotics. Farm owners give the fish antibiotics to protect them from diseases which can be easily spread since the farms are too crowded with fish. Pesticides are given to farm fish against sea lice, and this pesticide can even kill wild salmon if it consumes the pesticide accidentally.
4. The healthy nutrients that are commonly found in fish are very low in farm bred fish. Omega-3 fatty acids in tilapia are much less useful to our body than omega-3 fatty acids that are found in wild fish varieties. Tilapia and other farm bred fish also contain less protein than other wild fish varieties. Moreover, farm fish contain more omega-6 acids, acids that can cause inflammation in the body if consumed in high doses.
5. Farm-bred tilapia also contains higher dioxin levels. These actually pack 11 times more dioxins than wild tilapia. Dioxins are not only toxic, but can also affect your proper body and can even trigger cancer development. The worst thing is that as soon as dioxins get into the body, they take a long time to get out – around 7-11 years is half of what it takes for dioxin to be removed from the body.
Source: healthyfoodteam
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