Don’t Ignore! 5 Unusual Signs of Colon Cancer!

Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer in the USA. This form of cancer is the most hard to treat because many people often ignore the symptoms until it’s too late for treatment.

Here are 5 very unusual symptoms of colon cancer the majority of people ignore:

1. Fatigue
Colon cancer causes fatigue because the cancer cells consume our energy and can cause blood loss. If you have enough sleep, have a healthy diet but still experiencing fatigue don’t ignore consult your doctor. These can be a cancer symptom.

2. Stomach cramps
Stomach cramps can be easily overlooked because it can be associated with numerous non-cancerous conditions. However, stomach pain can be alarming if the symptom doesn’t go away.

3. Irregular bowel movements
People don’t usually pay much attention to their bowel movements.  However, the frequency, consistency and appearance of these movements can say a lot about your health, and even indicate the presence of colorectal cancer and notice the symptoms very late.

4. Sudden weight loss
Sudden weight loss is a serious warning sign that should never ignored., it may be a sign of colon cancer. 

5. Blood in stool
Don’t be embarrassed to talk about this problem and ask advice from your doctor immediately.
Blood in stool or bleeding from the rectum can be caused by colon cancer. If you notice blood in your stool, go to your doctor immediately.

How to lower the risk of colon cancer

  • consume fruits, vegetables and grains regularly to improve your digestive system and reduce the risk of colon cancer
  • exercise on a regular basis and stay physically active
  • maintain healthy weight
  • do not smoke or consume alcohol


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