Attention LADIES: Regularly Doing this in the Shower Could Double Your Risk of Cancer

According to latest research, douching is harmful and one of the main factors of numerous vaginal problems.

Moreover, it can double the risk of ovarian cancer also known as the “silent killer”.
Douching is the practice of squirting waters, or fluids in the vagina. Experts explain that this process affects and disrupts the natural balance of bacteria and cause infections. made a poll and found that 29 % of the 232 interviewed people, have admitted that they reguarly practice douching, while 57 % said they had never done it. 
Just14 % of them admitted to having done it one or two times.

Experts say the vagina has self-cleaning mechanism.
Studies are indicating that douching can cause cervical cancer, reduced fertility, yeast infections, pelvic inflammatory disease an infection of the uterus and ectopic pregnancies.
Joelle Brown, is an expert in this field and she works as a professor of epidemiology at the University of California, San Francisco.

“While most doctors and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists strongly recommend that women do not douche. Many women continue to douche because they falsely perceive douching to have positive health benefits, such as increased cleanliness.”
Joelle Brown – Knowing about this risk is necessary for every women.

Source: myhealthyreason


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