Oysters: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Oysters are unusual and delicious mollusks that provide the human body with a number of unique nutrients and minerals, which subsequently result in some great health benefits.

Oysters are among the most nutritious and beneficial seafoods.
In fact, there are over 200 species of oysters in the world, but only a few species are commonly used for food.

The presence of oysters in human meals has existed for over 700 years.
The part we can consume in oysters is its meat inside hard shells. There are countless methods to cook oysters.

Oysters play a vital role in the ecological system because their valves have the ability to cleanse pollutants.

Nevertheless, lately, there has been a remarkable decrease in the number of oysters in the ocean, which affects negatively the environment.

Nutrition Facts

Now we have a more detailed analysis of oysters nutrition facts.
Oysters have a relatively low amount of fat (1).
However, interesting oysters nutrition facts including the presence of omega-3 fatty acids.
Even though existing in minimal amount, it still has positive impacts on our health.
On the other hand, oysters are full of important proteins, vitamins and minerals.
You can get a lot of vitamin C, D, B12, niacin, thiamine, or iron, manganese, selenium…
Above all, the most important oysters nutrition facts should be the richness of zinc.
Oysters deserve top position in the list of foods with considerable content of zinc.

Health Benefits of Zinc
There are many reasons to include oysters in your diet regularly.
Here are the health benefits of oysters that will definitely provide you with a sustainable seafood from now on.

Improve Libido:
As oysters might work as an aphrodisiac, one of the best health benefits of oysters is to promote the libido, especially for male. The zinc content of oysters is unbelievable, and contains more than 1500% of the daily requirements of this essential mineral in a single serving. Zinc has also been closely linked to sexual dysfunction in men, while impotence and erectile dysfunction are closely associated with zinc deficiency. Therefore, eating oysters can give men their sexual edge back and increase feelings of masculinity.

Another health benefits of oysters that anyone can take advantage of is to boost the immune system.
The vitamin C and vitamin E content, as well as various minerals that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, are able to defend the body against free radicals that are byproducts of cellular metabolism. They can attack healthy cells and mutate the DNA into cancerous cells. 

These dangerous free radicals also cause heart disease, premature aging, and general body disrepair wherever they lodge themselves. Antioxidants and various vitamins can eliminate these free radicals from the body, thereby boosting the immune system.

Blood Circulation:
If zinc are responsible for oysters health benefits on sexual performance, then benefits of oysters on the blood come from iron.

Oysters are also a great source of iron, with more than 90% of our daily requirements in every serving.

Iron is a major component in the formation of red blood cells in the body, and are the primary defense against anemia, also known as iron deficiency, which can lead to fatigue, cognitive malfunction, stomach disorders, and general muscle weakness

Furthermore, as there are more healthy blood cells, organ systems will receive a higher amount of oxygenated to stimulate their activity, making them function efficiently and boosting the overall metabolic rate of the body.


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