4 Commonly Ignored Warning Signs Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women. Various factors contribute to the development of this type of cancer, including genetics, unhealthy diet, poor lifestyle choices, elevated stress levels, environmental factors, as well as hormone changes.

Warning Signs of Breast Cancer

An early detection of breast cancer is crucial for getting a successful treatment. In order for the disease to be detected early, you should be aware of the warning signs of breast cancer.

One of the first symptoms is usually an appearance of a lump. However, this type of cancer is not always accompanied by a formation of a lump. There are some other symptoms which can appear in the early stages of this disease.

Here are some of the most commonly ignored symptoms of breast cancer which require an immediate medical examination.

Breast or Nipple Changes
Breast cancer can cause certain changes in your breast, such as an unexplained swelling or shrinking of the breast, an appearance of redness on the skin, or a development of dimples.

There may also appear some changes in your nipple. It can become sunken or inverted. The skin of your nipple can become dry, and it may start to peel, flake, or scale.

Also, there can be an appearance of a discharge from one of your nipples, which sometimes can be bloody.

Unexplained Back Pain
Back pain is a common medical problem, 8 out of 10 people experience it at some point in their lives. Back pain is a sign which indicates that the breast tumors are forming. If you are dealing with breast cancer, you are likely to experience pain which is characterized by pressure on the ribs and spine.

Commonly, the pain occurs in the upper part of the back and feels like it’s coming from deep in the bones. If the pain is too intense, it can be a sign that the cancer has spread to the spine.

Fatigue is a common symptom in breast cancer patients and survivors, but it’s also often present before diagnosi.  The thing is this type of fatigue cannot be alleviated by sleep or rest. Cancer-related fatigue is not caused by physical strain and is often accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, sleep disturbance and depression

According to a number of researchers, this fatigue occurs because the tumor creates an imbalance of chemicals in the body.

Pain in the Armpit
According to some studies, the breast cancer starts to develop in the axillary lymph nodes. Swollen lymph nodes, tenderness or pain in the armpit may signal a presence of a tumor before it becomes noticeable in the breast.

In case you experience any discomfort in one of your armpits, you should compare it to the other one. If the difference is evident, you should immediately consult an expert.

Source: nhfunny


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