What Kind of Woman Are You According to The Month in Which You Are Born?

You can find out what are your characteristics according to the month you were born.

Woman that were born in January, are exceptionally ambitious but rather serious and conservative. On the other hand, women born in January are prone to be critical, but they do not want to talk about their feelings. They let only people to approach them, who believe that, are on the same intellectual levels with them and that share the same views on life.

February females are very romantic, and you should treat them with patience. They change their mood too fast, and not everyone can understand them. These women have a rather abstract way of thinking, if you cheat them you will never see them again.

These women have strong charisma and charm.  They are very dedicated and loyal. It is very hard for these ladies to fall in love but to live with a person born in March is a real pleasure.

These females can interact quite easily with every person. At times, they know to pity themselves. If they are angry, you better move away. The April girl is going to make you the happiest man on Earth. If you earn their trust, try not to lose it and they will open their soul completely.


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