China and India have been practicing foot reading for more than 5,000 years ago. They believe that feet actually mirror the rest of the body. If there is a lump, calluses or pain, they will indicate the problem somewhere else.

Most people second toe are longer than other, here it’s meaning:
Second Toe
Those people who have long second toe are qualitative leaders. You are dynamic and resourceful, but your desire to get things done, ’my way or no way’, can tip over into business.
Some Indian mothers stopped their sons marrying girls with long second toes because it meant they were far too bossy! A smaller second toe doesn’t mean you’re pushover, though. It simply indicates you are happy to bide your time. You value harmony and won’t try to bulldoze your way through situations.
Third Toe
The longer this toe, it denotes that these people are very energetic and ingenious, especially at work. They opt for perfection and can achieve much with determination and energy. The drawback is a tendency to let work take over and to forget about fun, love and family.
People that have the third toe shorter enjoy the pleasures in life. You love relaxing and don’t get worked up about anything, Others may accuse you of being lazy, but you would argue that life is short, so enjoy it.
Source: healthylifestar
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