Amazing Foods That Can Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Most women have experienced some type of menstruation pain. Most of them are complaining of various pains that occur in that period.  Menstrual cramps usually last one or two days.

Dark Chocolate

When we say dark chocolate we mean the one that contain at least 70% cacao. It will raise your level of mood and will compensate the lost iron. Also, will fight free radicals and keep your organism.

In one sentence, dark chocolate should always be on hand in the “red” days of the month.

Instead high calorie and savory snacks, you should consume almonds. They are very healthy and effective for those women who have sensitive and painful breasts during menstruation or before period. If you are one of those woman you must consume almonds.

The ingredients found in almonds have the opportunity to reduce sensitivity and to reduce the symptoms of PMS.

Frequent cramps are often caused by the accumulation of water in the organism, which is caused by hormones that varying during that time of the month.

Cucumber is easily available and is a natural diuretic, it stimulates urination and relieves symptoms.

Make carrot juice or carrot soup, it will relieve menstrual pain.

Recent research has shown that this vitamin can relieve menstrual cramps

Yogurt is golden grocery when it comes to PMS. It is rich in calcium and relieve pains and cramps.

If you don’t like yogurt, use other foods rich in calcium such as milk, cheese, etc.


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