A Man Cured His Diabetes Without Medicine, Here’s What He Consumed!

This article will tell you the story of a young man who suffered from diabetes and hypertension. The man managed to overcome and improve his health condition. 

Actually, he found out the disease by accident when he decided to go to the doctors because he was constantly thirsty. The doctor found out his sugar levels were 29, and his pancreas was no longer in function, meaning he could not live without his daily insulin shot. 

He felt hopeless and started to take the recommended meds. Insulin was taken regularly so that he would be able to still do sports.

But after a while, diabetes got worse for him and he had new illnesses and he had been taking a lot of different drugs to help his condition but his medical issues appeared his triglycerides were raised to 16 and blood pressure to 150/100.

So, he needed something like a change. His New year resolution to be healthy but in the natural way.
As he turned on the TV he saw a show, The Edge of Science, There, Dr. John Zirdum explained about his new lifestyle. The doctor said he lived on raw foods and his consuming of them for 12 years.
After the show was over, the man wanted to try this method. He got a blender at first.

In the first week, he had strange cravings but he suppressed them. The sugar level of the blood dropped to only 5!

This amazed him and he was stunned as meds didn’t make this effect as his method did.
As a result to this, he stopped the insulin therapy and continued his healthy raw diet. Anyway, he wanted to go back to insulin in case things worsen. Still, everything was good and the same and the sugar in blood was stable. He even lost some extra weight.

In almost a month he lost more than 20 lbs and still was healthy.
After 4 months he was refreshed and had 40lbs less! He never took insulin again and the pressure got to 120/70, the Triglycerides to 1.4.

He stopped with the pills and felt like a new man.



  • 5 bananas
  • 2 kiwis
  • 2 apples
  • Handful kale

Put all of above in a bowl and pour ½ l. water over.

Drink the ½ liter of juice in the mornings and sip the rest if any, during the day.

If you opt for this regime, eat ONLY fresh and raw fruits, veggies, salads and also tuna (it has a load of B12 essentials).

To sum it up, you will have no cravings and you will feel satiated a longer time.

Source: healthylifebase


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