Watch This Video!!! Gynecologist Unveils the Pain and Brutality of the Abortion Process

Abortion is a painful and spine-chilling procedure for both an unborn baby and a mother. Pregnant women should never opt for abortion during the second quarter of their pregnancy as the baby grows up to palm-size by the point of time. Pregnant women face severe harmful impacts of abortion such as haemorrhage, cervical laceration, uterine perforation, infection, maternal death and future pregnancy complications.

Anthony Levatino an Obstetrician-Gynecologist, explained the painful agony of the unborn baby during the process of abortion. The gynecologist has demonstrated the whole procedure of abortion through animation in the video.

Anthony Levatino has operated 1,200 abortions till date.

Twentieth-week-old baby is shown in the footage.

Generally, 81% of Americans are restricted for abortion during fourth month of pregnancy.

'Live Action' organization also wants ban on the abortions exceeding third month of pregnancies.

Gynecologist used Sopher clamp after opening the vaginal wall.

Given footage demonstrate how the clamp breaks the limb of unborn baby within few minutes.

In this image, all the limbs get crushed one by one in the process.

It is inhumane to kill the child in this brutal manner as the baby feels the pain in the womb.

This video is not meant for light-hearted people.

Surgical abortion during second trimester of pregnancy is shown in the video.

Source: wittyfeed


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