Are You Urinating Frequently? Stop Consuming These Foods Now!

Today we will discuss about the need to go pee all the time. If you notice that your urge to urinate is happening more frequently, there are must be some reasons for that. Or maybe it is your diet.
Overactive Bladder

OAB or overactive bladder causes the frequent incontrollable and sudden urge to urinate. It can be accompanied by incontinence or leakage of urine. This condition bugs about 40 percent of the American women and 30 percent of men, but probably the number is much higher, because most people are embarrassed to talk about it. Others might not ask because they do not know that there are treatments for this condition.

Overactive bladder has different treatments, and this condition is not taken as “just part of getting older”. There are treatments for individuals who have just the urge without the leakage. Most treatments available don’t involve a medical procedure. Some just treat the symptoms, and some address the issue itself. But, you should let your doctor know.

Foods that can bug the bladder

1. Acid Foods
Citrus fruits, apples, grapes, pineapples, cranberries, tomatoes, and even other condiments (salad dressings, ketchup, vinegar)… anything that is high in acid, a great way to see if your condiments contains an acid listed in its ingredients (the vinegar counts like an acid).

2. Caffeine
This includes coffee, tea and chocolate. They contain acid, and that is an eternal bladder irritation, particularly if the bladder is already sensitive. However, the caffeine also acts as a diuretic it flushes the fluids from the body. That is the reason why the coffee leaves your mouth dry.

3. Alcohol
Alcohol found in wine, beer, and hard liquor, interferes neurologically with the function of the bladder by affecting the muscles that control urine flow, causing frequent urination. If consumption is excessive dehydration may occur creating more complications such as a urinary tract infection.          
So, keep your glasses small and then have fewer than you would have normally.

4. Artificial Sweeteners
This is another reason to remove the artificial sweeteners from your diet. The artificial sweeteners are notorious bladder irritants. So, try to remove them from the diet and see what will happen. It might help to relieve some existing problems.

5. Spicy Food
The spicy food can bug your bladder. This includes onions and horseradish. So, try to find some milder versions, pull the core and the seeds from your peppers, or shallots instead of the regular onions.

6. Fizzy Drinks
These drinks can make the overactive bladder even worse. It includes club soda, tonic water, and also the most common sodas. So, if you have a sensitive bladder, better to avoid these drinks.
At the end, there are a few things that you should keep in mind if you are urinating more than the normal, (the normal is between four to 10 times during 24 hours. If you pee more than these, maybe it is time to consult the doctor. It could be an indication of some health condition or diabetes.


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