Ways to Use Guava Leaves to Beat Acne, Wrinkles, Dark Spots and Skin Allergies

Many of us suffered from skin issues, such as wrinkles, acne, blemishes, hypersensitivities or dark spots all over the face.

Fortunately, aside from cosmetics procedure there are a few natural methods which can solve the problems and be beneficial for your skin. One of these treatments includes the use of guava leaves, which have many benefits for the skin. Here are four ways to use them:

Acne Treatments
According to a study published by the American Journal of Chinese Medicine guava leaves have very effective antibacterial properties that are extremely effective against bacteria that cause acne. Apart from that the study also found that guava leaves also have anti-inflammatory properties that help calm the skin and diminish the appearance of pimples.

Elimination of wrinkles:
There are scientific researches that have proved that the guava leaves are much more beneficial than the fruit itself. The leaves contain anti- cancer properties and have the ability to destroy free radicals in the body. That makes guava leaves potent anti-wrinkle tool. Moreover, they are remarkable when it comes to improving of the quality of the skin.

Lighten Dull Spots
Guava leaves can be used as ingredient in medications of flaws, for example, red and dull spots all over. The leaves go about as a conditioning operator and by crushing minuscule creatures they decrease bothering.

Treat Atopic Dermatitis
These leaves have the ability to mitigate the redness and disturbance caused by atopic dermatitis. Guava leaves possess hostile to hypersensitive properties that hinder the production of histamines, which are chemicals that are discharged in the body as a feature of an unfavorably susceptible response, which brings about the run of the mill tingling, sniffling, wheezing and swelling sensitivity side effects.

Method of treatment:
For treatment of atopic dermatitis you should use dried guava leaves. First step is to crush them into smaller pieces and then mix them to a tub of warm water. This remedy is effective in relieving itching and redness, by easing the uncomfortable feeling.

For any other skin problems, simply take few guava leaves, chop them up and add them in a pot with boiling water. Leave it to simmer for a while, until the water becomes brownish. At that point you can set the pot aside to cool off. Use it after is cooled off. 

Take a cotton ball and apply the resulted liquid on your entire face or on the problematic areas. Leave it to act 15 minutes and after that rinse with warm water. Repeat the same procedure two times a week and after very short time you’ll notice significant improvement.


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