Every Tooth Is Associated With Organ In The Body! Tooth Pain Predict Problems In Certain Organ

This study confirms that every tooth is connected with a health problem and separate organ in the body. The upper and lower incisors (first and second) reflect the condition of the kidneys, ears, bladder and canine teeth – of the liver and nerve bladder. Information about the lung and colon convey a little root 4 and 5, for the stomach, spleen and pancreas – the huge root 6 and 7, thus called “Intelligence teeth” – may anticipate the condition of the heart and small digestive tract.

However, don’t misunderstand us, not generally inside sicknesses are joined by harm to the teeth, which are found in a survey of the dentist. Sometimes the patient grumbles of inconvenience in the fit as a fiddle in appearance tooth, and regularly hurt on the spots where teeth have for quite some time been expelled. This is the supposed. Apparition torment, which is the most precise sign that the body submitted.

This happens in light of the fact that signs from infected organs enter the reflex zone of a comparing tooth. On the off chance that you think about these connections can without much of a stretch distinguish the sick organ. You ought to likewise realize that between the inside organs and the mouth there is a nearby connection. 

What this implies? Indeed, ailing teeth frequently cause cerebral pains. Along these lines, if the incendiary procedure is in the base of the tooth, the torment might be in the parietal region. The injuries of maxillary incisor teeth cause torment in the frontal worldly region and sick canines. What’s more, you ought to likewise realize that sicknesses of the teeth of the lower jaw may happen with agony “spilled” character. And there is no other salvation from headache, unless examination by dental specialist. 

-The pain in the first and second incisor (upper and lower) testify to chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis and otitis. If you worry first incisor, may be thinking about tonsillitis, osteochondrosis, prostatitis, disability to the hip joint. In cholecystitis or hepatitis canine teeth signaled a constant dull pain.

-If you have pain in the fourth and fifth teeth root, the reasons may be chronic pneumonia, colitis, long flowing dysbacteriosis, allergic reaction (asthma, rhinosinusitis, respiratory allergy].

-However, if you have pain in fourth teeth, top and bottom, you probably have problems with your knee joints, elbow, shoulder, beam-ring), it may be suffering from inflammatory processes with chronic nature of the type of arthritis, diseases of the colon – polyposis, diverticulosis.

-The sixth and seventh teeth ache in chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, long flowing anemia, chronic pancreatitis.

-The pain in the sixth upper teeth is usually related with sinusitis tonsillitis, diseases of the pharynx in mastopathy, tumors in the thyroid gland, inflammation of the spleen and ovaries. And six lower teeth give a signal that there is a problem with the arteries, atherosclerosis.

-The experts say that the following seven lower teeth are responsible for problems with veins (varicosis, hemorrhoids), lung (chronic pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma), signaled of polyps in the colon.

-And, you should know that if you have problems with your “Wisdom teeth”, you should be worried, because they’re related with coronary heart disease, congenital defect and other cardiac diseases are areas of the sages. Tartar can direct attention to the doctor endocrine system to gastric ulcer disease.

The experts also say that your teeth are also related with your character. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Equal teeth are a sign of eloquence of the holder.
  • People who think a lot have teeth with an uneven height.
  • People who have long teeth are usually greedy and angry.
  • Small, sharp and rare – evidence of deceit and cunning.
  • If a person has big gaps between teeth, then, its character is purposeless.
  • People with a distance between the upper incisors have always thought it jolly and frivolous.
  • Holders of large healthy teeth are generally good and brave people.


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