Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD is an umbrella term that is used to describe progressive lung disease. COPD includes numerous diseases among which are the chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema as well as some forms of bronchiectasis.

Approximately 30 million people in the U.S. are affected by COPD. Over time COPD might get progressively worse and negatively affect the breathing. Some of the symptoms include tightness in the chest, increased breathlessness, frequent coughing and wheezing. COPD was even the third leading cause of death in the U.S in 2014.


People over 40, smokers, and former smokers are the most prone to the development of COPD. About 90% of the cases who develop COPD have smoked at some point of their life.

Genetic Factors
COPD can actually develop based on purely genetic factors.  The Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency is the most commonly known genetic risk factor for emphysema. AATD related COPD might be caused by a deficiency of this protein in the bloodstream. When this protein is missing, lung deterioration occurs because the white blood cells harm the lungs.

Environmental Factors
Individuals who have had long-term contact with some harmful pollutants in the workplace could develop COPD. Harmful lung irritants like fumes, chemicals and dust, but heavy or long-term contact with second hand smoke or other lung irritants in the home can also cause COPD.

There are many prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and treatments used to help manage the symptoms of COPD, but a recently published research reveals that there is a natural alternative available. Dr. Gloria De Carlo Massaro and Dr. Donald Massaro conducted a research at Georgetown University School of Medicine, using ATRA, a derivative of vitamin A. They managed to reverse emphysema in rats using this approach.

 “The treatment regenerated the adult rat’s ability to produce alveoli. They are the small air sacs where oxygen and carbon dioxide move between the lungs and the bloodstream,” said Dr. Massaro 12 days after the research.

A depletion of Vitamin A can also appear because of cigarette smoke because of benzopyrene, a common carcinogen found in cigarettes, but unluckily, the production of alveoli ends during childhood.

This disease can be relieved significantly by 2 super ingredients: Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene.
Beta-Carotene gives fruits and vegetables there color. It turns into vitamin A when it’s ingested and is excellent for your health. Make sure you get a healthy, wholesome diet in order to increase the beta-carotene and vitamin A.


  • Dark green leafy vegetables
  • Cantaloupe
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet potato
  • Carrots
  • Sweet red peppers
  • Dried apricots
  • Squash
  • Peas

This research shows that those who suffer from COPD may have a natural way to help regenerate their damaged lung tissue. The Linus Pauling Institute recommends increasing the bio availability of carotene rich foods by eating them with healthy fats. You can chop, puree or cook them in oil at meal times. Juicing organic, fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in beta-carotene is also a great way to increase your intake.


  1. I smoked for 20 years, October 2014 i was diagnosed of Emphysema my doctor told me there is no permanent cure for the disease, i was given bronchodilators to help me relax my bronchiolar muscles, I managed on with the disease till a friend told me about a herbal clinic from johannesburg who sell herbal medicines to cure all kind of diseases including emphysema, I contacted this herbal clinic via there email and made purchase of the emphysema herbal medicine, i received the herbal medicine through DHL within 5 days, when i received the herbal medicine i applied it as prescribed and was totally cured of emphysema within 7 weeks of usage, the symptoms reduced till i even forgot i had emphysema, i went back to my doctor for diagnosis with spirometry and he confirmed i was free from the disease, contact this herbal clinic via there email or website on

    1. My father has COPD,diagnosed 2 years ago,His speech is bad not able to talk and experience shortness of breath,i spent a lot of money on his medication till a point i was so frustrated,My friend zom Luz told me about , Native Herbal Clinic, who cured his parents of Copd, i contacted this Native Herbal Clinic and purchase the herbal medicine, then they sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received it my father applied it for 2 weeks as prescribed and was totally cured of COPD within 2 Weeks of usage. Contact via:
      email:( or (

    2. I would love you to contact :Totalcureherbalfoundation gmail. com they shall provide you all the herbal formula that can help you get rid of COPD emphysema,for the past 9 years has been a terrible years for me because i was diagnosed with copd emphysema,i'm 59 and and fully cure of copd by Total cure herbal foundation which i found on-line,my condition was very bad which i have been currently on 24/7 oxygen, nebulizer, pro air.,early this year during my research on Google i found this herbal foundation which someone posted on how they help her with emphysema disease so i decided to email them also and they gave me all the steps which i did properly,the herbal medicine aims to return the body to a state of natural balance, so that it can start healing itself,email them now to stop your nightmare.
      Totalcureherbalfoundation gmail .com


  2. I have been diagnosed diabetes and COPD for 2 years and I followed a wide variety of treatments, I have even combined with different medicinal plants without clear results. My health was deteriorating more and more. But thanks to PERFECTHEALTHHERBALMEDICINEHOME that I found on the internet to achieve the best cure on earth. I knew from the beginning that PERFECTHEALTHHERBALMEDICINE could help me,because a lot of people are posting testimony about them,i purchased their herbal medicine,and began to use the herbal medicine for 2 months the results were wonderful,i was totally cure of diabetes and COPD after 2 months usage.please everyone out there I recommend this herbal medicine cure For your diabetes and copd is via their email or website .
    website ......

  3. My husband was diagnosed several years ago with emphysema. He was able to quit smoking and we stayed on top of any illness. He has been hospitalized with pneumonia every year. His breathing has been getting worse but oxygen levels stay in the 97 to 98 range except when he's in hospital. For a year now he has been passing out. It is only for 1 to 3 minutes and was only when he would start coughing. The doctor changed his medications around but he passes out when breathing a bit hard. Also his feet swell up and are numb all the time. He then started using a cane. i searched for alternative treatment before i was introduced to Health herbal clinic by a friend here in the United states she told me they have successful herbal treatment to Emphysema and other lungs diseases. I spoke to few people who used the treatment here in USA and they all gave a positive response, so i immediately purchased the Emphysema herbal formula for my husband and he commenced usage, its totally unexplainable how all the symptoms totally dissapeared, his cough was gone and he no longer experience shortness of breath(dyspnea), contact this herbal clinic via their email Or website Herbs are truly gift from God

  4. I had Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for 7 years, My first symptoms were dry cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath. This was ongoing for 3 years, my first chest x-ray only showed bronchitis. Finally I went to a pulmonologist and was diagnosed with COPD, I was immediately placed on Seebri Breezhaler, it's an inhalation powder, I take it once a day in the morning. Finally, i started on COPD Herbal Formula i ordered from NewLife Herbal Clinic, the herbal formula worked 10x better than all the medications my pulmonologist had prescribed. I have had a total decline of symptoms since i started on this herbal formula, visit ww w .newlifeherbalclinic .com

  5. The last thing I will ever do is to believe on MEDICAL drugs intense of COPD , I am Levi mila, New Zealand. I want to appreciate the great work of Dr Abumere, I have been diagnose of COPD for a period of 3years,I’ve lose all hope that there is no cure and I have been taken medicine to sustain myself till I got to know about Dr Abumere through a friend who cured of Chronic obstructive pulmonary . I contacted them by via email> and Medicine sent to me, which I took as prescribed for some period of days and I went to the hospital after consuming the medicine and I was confirmed Negative after 3 years of being positive, it is indeed a miracle honestly,you can contact their email or visit their website on

  6. I was told I had emphysema in 1987 when I was 45 years old. I smoked for 30 years, but quit smoking as soon as I was told that I had COPD. Quitting smoking was the hardest thing I ever did. But I knew I would die if I didn't. My health was getting so bad that I needed oxygen 24/7 and was down to 92lbs. Thankfully, in 1999 I got lung volume reduction surgery. It saved my life. I no longer needed oxygen and was able to climb stairs, dance, and travel the world. That good fortune lasted for almost 13 years. I am now back on oxygen 24/7 and can't climb stairs, dance or travel the world. i searched for alternative treatment Online i was introduced to Health herbal clinic by a friend here in the United states she told me they have successful herbal treatment to Emphysema and other lungs diseases. I spoke to few people who used the treatment here in USA and they all gave a positive response, so i immediately purchased the COPD herbal formula and commenced usage, its totally unexplainable how all the symptoms totally dissapeared, my cough was gone and i no longer experience shortness of breath(dyspnea), contact this herbal clinic via their email Info@ healthherbalclinic. net Or website www. healthherbalclinic. net Herbs are truely gift from God

  7. I've had emphysema for four years. I was taking Spiriva and Advair. I started with oxygen at night, and later all day long. Nothing seems to help. The minute I start to walk around the breathing gets bad. Even the oxygen doesn't seem to help.I smoked for approximately four years, from age 18 to age 22. I am now age 66 plus. I had for some time now noticed having difficulty catching a deep breath. Never in my wildest dreams did it cross my mind that I may develop a serious lung disease, but here I was with a serious case of COPD. I am only writing this to inform others that nothing was really working to help my condition.I went off the Spiriva (with the doctor’s knowledge) and started on Emphysema herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic, my symptoms totally declined over a 5 weeks use of the Emphysema disease natural herbal formula. i am now almost 68 and doing very well, my lungs are totally repaired!! Visit there website www. healthherbalclinic. net or email Info@ healthherbalclinic. net

  8. I will start by saying to all that have COPD or Emphysema should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to get your CURE. I had Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for 15 years, My first symptoms were dry cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath. My first chest x-ray only showed bronchitis. Finally I went to a pulmonologist and was diagnosed with COPD, Am writing this article to appreciate the good work of General Herbal Center, that helped me get read of my COPD/Emphysema that i have had for about 15years now, with no cure. After seeing a post of a NAMED TINA PETERSON from UK on the internet testifying of how he was CURED by GENERAL HEALTH CENTER prescribed remedies . I also decided to contact THEM for a CURE and i purchased the HERBAL MEDICINE, because all i wanted was for me to get totally CURED, and to be free of it all my life. i Am happy today that they helped me and the remedies worked and i can proudly say that i am free from COPD and i am cured completely

    its a worst thing to have COPD/EMPHYSEMA as a beign, so contact GENERAL HEALTH CENTER TODAY

    contact them on email:(

    Website for more info:

    Phone number: +27719591654

  9. My father has COPD,diagnosed 2 years ago,His speech is bad not able to talk and experience shortness of breath,i spent a lot of money on his medication till a point i was so frustrated,My friend zom Luz told me about , Native Herbal Clinic, who cured his parents of Copd, i contacted this Native Herbal Clinic and purchase the herbal medicine, then they sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received it my father applied it for 2 weeks as prescribed and was totally cured of COPD within 2 Weeks of usage. Contact via:
    email:( or (

  10. My father has COPD,diagnosed 2 years ago,His speech is bad not able to talk and experience shortness of breath,i spent a lot of money on his medication till a point i was so frustrated,My friend zom Luz told me about , Native Herbal Clinic, who cured his parents of Copd, i contacted this Native Herbal Clinic and purchase the herbal medicine, then they sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received it my father applied it for 2 weeks as prescribed and was totally cured of COPD within 2 Weeks of usage. Contact via:
    email:( or (

  11. I was diagnosed of COPD in July 2016. I was on Albuterol Nebs and levalbuterol to ease the situation as i constantly go out of breath when talking or when walking, I was adviced for Lung Volume reduction surgery (LVRS) because my both upper lobes of the lungs were affected, i was making preparation for this surgery when a friend of mine told me about a natural herbal center called doctor Ayes who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including COPD disease, When i contacted them and bought the herbal medicine I received the herbal medicine through courier service in 3days, when i received this herbal medicine i used it as prescribed and was totally cured of COPD within 18-20 days of usage, he is able to cure any kinds of disease such as 1. Diarrheal Diseases,2. HERPES 1/2,3. CANCER,4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease),5. Herpatitis B,6.chronic pancreatitis,7.Emphysema,8.COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease),9.asthma,10.Acute angle-closure Glaucoma,11.CHRONIC PANCREATITIS,12. Preterm Birth contact via his email:

  12. I was not really having a problem breathing at first. My throat was burning; I thought I had strep throat. I had pain in my neck, and there was swelling around my collar bone. The first doctor I went to said he did not know why there was swelling. He gave me antibiotics and told me that if the swelling was not better to come back in two weeks. I went back in two weeks and he said he did not know what was wrong. Since I do not have insurance, I went to a hospital emergency room, and they said I have COPD.The disease does not improve. My "good days" are far and few these days. My dad and his dad died from this. I am only writing this to inform others that nothing was really working to help my condition.I started on COPD herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic,i read reviews from other previous patients who used the herbal formula, my symptoms totally declined over a 5 weeks use of the COPD natural herbal formula. i am now doing very well, my lungs are totally repaired!! Visit there website www. healthherbalclinic. net

  13. Hello, am Tanya Albert from United State. am happy sharing this great testimony on how i was checking for solution in the internet then miraculously i came Across Dr Ekpiku, the powerful herbalist that Cure Numerous individuals HSV-1 AND HSV-2 INFECTION,then i contacted his Email: ( I Explained everything to him and he prepared me a herbal medicine that cure my HSV-1 AND HSV-2 Disease totally after making use his herbal medicine, So My friends viewers why wait and be suffer when there is someone like Dr Ekpiku, that can cure any disease HIV/ CANCER/ HEPATITIS B VIRUS,LOW SPERM COUNT,ALS, ANCE PIMPUS, LUPUS VIRUS, You Can "CONTACT him Via : Email : ( or Whats app; +2348073673757 You Can Contact Him Today And Get Your Problem Solved or call/text me +16506538578.

  14. I am Michel from the USA and I was diagnosed with COPD in last year. My doctor told me that this disease is treatable. He told me that with proper management most people with COPD can achieve good symptom control and quality of life. He advised me to take stem cell therapy treatment and change my lifestyle. And after then I flow his advice and now I'm living a healthy life. Best COPD treatment

  15. I would love you to contact :Totalcureherbalfoundation gmail. com they shall provide you all the herbal formula that can help you get rid of COPD emphysema,for the past 9 years has been a terrible years for me because i was diagnosed with copd emphysema,i'm 59 and and fully cure of copd by Total cure herbal foundation which i found on-line,my condition was very bad which i have been currently on 24/7 oxygen, nebulizer, pro air.,early this year during my research on Google i found this herbal foundation which someone posted on how they help her with emphysema disease so i decided to email them also and they gave me all the steps which i did properly,the herbal medicine aims to return the body to a state of natural balance, so that it can start healing itself,email them now to stop your nightmare.
    Totalcureherbalfoundation gmail .com
