Crush Aspirin And Rub It Into Your Hair, This Is What Happens. I Can’t Wait To Try This!

Aspirin is one of the most commonly used painkillers in the world. Actually, it can most likely be found in every home. It is very against general aches and pains, but it can also relieve light fevers as well. Research has found that a daily aspirin regimen can drastically reduce the risk of a heart attack and blood clotting in heart patients.

Aspirin was first made of willow tree bark, which has a long history of being used as a natural painkiller. Indeed, the Ancient Greek physician, 

Hippocrates (the father of medicine, after whom the Hippocratic Oath doctors swear by is named), used to prescribe it to his patients for headaches. The active ingredient in aspirin, salicylic acid, was first isolated by Felix Hoffman in 1897 while he was a chemist at Bayer. Today, nearly 40,000 tons of aspirin are consumed worldwide annually, making it one of the most widely used medications on the planet.

Aside from its pain relieving properties, aspirin also provides a number of other uses. Read on and find out why you should always have an aspirin at hand.

It fights dandruff: 
The active ingredient in aspirin, salicylic acid, has great moisturizing properties which work extremely well against dandruff. Simply crush 2-3 pills into a powder and mix them with your shampoo. When applying, let your newly-fortified shampoo sit on your scalp for a few minutes before you rinse it out like normal.

It clears skin: 
Salicylic acid is also highly beneficial for skin health, as it effectively removes dead skin and excess sebum thus unblocking pores and decreasing swelling and redness. This is especially great for those who suffer from acne or psoriasis. 

You just need to make a paste of five crushed aspirin tablets with 1/4 cup of water and one teaspoon of honey (optional). Apply,leave it 10 minutes before washing off. Repeat daily/weekly as needed.

It removes sweat stains: 
We all know that some stains, such as sweat stains, can be so hard to remove that even regular wash cycles can’t do much about them. But, a common pain killer, such as aspirin can help you get rid of these stains on the first washing.

Start by making paste of several crushed aspirins and some water. Then apply the paste on the stain and leave it to act for 15-20 minutes. Finish by washing your clothing as usual.

It can jump-start your car:
If your car battery has died, try putting few aspirins [usually two per cell) in it. What will happen is reaction between the salicylic and sulfuric acid and you will get enough charge till you get to the nearest service station.

You should use this trick when you really need it, because if you use it too often, it can be bad for your health because of the byproducts that the reaction releases.

 It protects your flowers: Similarly to the effect salicylic acid has on your skin, the same benefits apply to your flowers too. 

The thing is this chemical prevents mold formation and the production of ethylene gas, which causes the flowers to wither. Simply crush an aspirin into the vase where you keep your bouquets and they’ll last quite longer.

Source ; healthyfoodteam


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