12 Million Women Around Suffer From Thyroid Gland Disorder Because They Ignore These Symptoms! The Consequences Are Fatal!

Most women would think that these warning signs and symptoms are just signs of a cold or fatigue, and they just go on with their regular household activities – without consulting a doctor first. However, these signs can be an indication of something much more dangerous.
What is thyroid gland?

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the base of your neck. It is part of the endocrine system, which is made up of glands that produce, store, and release hormones into the bloodstream so the hormones can reach the body's cells. The thyroid gland uses iodine from the foods you eat to make two main hormones: 

So, if this gland works too much, it will produce much more hormones, which can seriously affect the human body. And, if this gland works slowly, it can affect the human health as well.

You are in a bad mood all the time
If the thyroid gland isn’t working properly, it can cause mood changes. It also disturbs and affects the secretion of the serotonin compound – the hormone of happiness. These people will be aggressive as well.

Disturbed functioning of the thyroid gland is also affected by the slowdown of digestion, which will cause constipation and other digestive problems.

You sleep too much
If you feel that you are tired and sleepy all the time – this may be cause of the thyroid disorder. This will decrease or complete cessation of some bodily functions, which can often cause sleepiness and tiredness.

Hair loss and dry skin
Too little secretion of thyroid hormone can lead to drying of the skin, even though the outside it’s not cold. Due the fact that skin and hair are linked there is also damaging of the hair as wel

Sudden weight gain
Hypothyroidism is a common cause of a sudden weight gain. You will gain weight, even if you eat the same amount as you always do, or even less.

Loss of libido
Reduction of sexual desire is a common symptom in women who have thyroid disease.

Muscle pain
You should also know that if the thyroid gland secretes hormones in small amounts, it can cause pain in the muscles and the tendons, even though you haven’t exercised or did other physical activities – recently.

If the thyroid gland secretes too much thyroid hormone, it may cause increased heartbeat.

Loss of concentration and dizziness
If you experience loss of concentration and you often have dizziness, this may indicate that your body has too much thyroid hormone in your body.

High blood pressure
When the thyroid gland is not active, then the blood pressure in the human body increases. In this situation, not even the blood pressure drugs and medications can help you.

Sore throat and neck
Since the thyroid gland is located in this part, it’s no wonder that this symptom may indicate that something is wrong. If you notice an island in the neck, see a doctor immediately!

Source: nifyhealth


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