A study conducted by Kaiser Permanente researchers has proven that women diagnosed with breast cancer who consume full-fat dairy products have increased risk of dying from breast cancer than patients consuming with low-fat dairy food.

According to researchers the growth of breast cell and hormone-receptor- positive breast cancer is caused by the hormone estrogen. It is produced and stored in fat cells. Most experts agree that dairy products sold in the USA and other Western countries have increased estrogen and progesterone amount in their structure because the milk is sometimes made by pregnant cows. 

Logically, low-fat dairy products have less estrogen and progesterone levels because most of the fat has been removed.
Women diagnosed with breast cancer should consume low-fat dairy products, especially hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer.

In this study, the experts wanted to prove if consuming full-fat dairy products increase the possibility of breast cancer reappearance, including the possibility of dying from breast cancer. These full-fat dairy products have been inspected:

  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Whole milk
  • Ice cream
  • Custard
  • Flan
  • Condensed or evaporated milk
  • Pudding
  • Butter

It is important to mention that participants included in this study were monitored over the course of 12 years and the results were quite shocking.

It shows that patients who consumed one or more servings on a daily basis of full-fat dairy products had 64% increased chances of dying from any factor and 49% increased chances of dying from breast cancer in comparison with the other group of patients who ate less servings of full-fat products daily or patients who consumed low-fat dairy products.

Although these results are really shocking, it is important to take under consideration several other things before we jump into conclusions.

The research shows a link between full-fat dairy products and fatal breast cancer outcomes, but it doesn’t prove the direct connection in which the first leads to the second. So, many more researches are needed on the possible connection between full-fat dairy products and breast cancer.

 However, another study, conducted by a team of Norwegian researchers has demonstrated the link between milk consumption and breast cancer development. This research has in fact shown that the women who drank at least three glasses of milk a day were three times more likely to develop breast cancer compared to women who drank a one cup or no milk at all.

Patient diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer should lower the risk of reappearance and boost the possibility of survival, such as:

  • Consume a healthy diet, eliminating processed foods and sugar
  • No alcohol consumption
  • Maintaining a normal body weight
  • Regular physical activity
  • Do not smoke
  • Regular intake of all medications prescribed to decrease the risk of recurrence

Source: allhealthynews


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