Study: Natural Tea Removes Plaque Better Than Commercial Mouthwash!

The very important part of the oral care for the daily life is rinsing with mouthwash. We should be careful, too much mouthwash can do more harm than good. Listerine and other popular brands of mouthwashes contain alcohol, which is a great risk for the development of oral cancer.

Approximately, 48,000 Americans have been diagnosed with oral cancer annually and 640,000 people globally. Oral cancer can occur on the gums and the cheeks, on the tongue, or on the floor of the mouth.

Some mouthwash contains alcohol, toxins and chemicals that might be putting your health at risk. 

Here is a rundown on just some of the toxins in case you have never checked out the ingredient list:

Methylparaben – studies had found this chemical in deodorants, skin creams, women cosmetics, and mouthwash has been actually present within breast cancer tissues. According to experts that this chemical speeds up the growth of tumor and increase the risk of breast cancer.

Methyl Salicylate – One tablespoon of this compound is equivalent to just 23 000mg aspirin pills. Vomiting, convulsion, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, loss of vision, kidney failure and much more can be caused by overdose.

Hexetidine – failure of neural functions and clotting in parts of the brain control sensory can be caused by ingesting of too much of this chemical. Allergic reactions and unstable heartbeat can be also caused by this carcinogenic chemical.

Alcohol – it leads to bad breath, lowers the amount of saliva and dries out the mucous membranes in your mouth. Alcohol also increases the risk of developing neck, head and oral cancers.

Chlorhexidine – The newest research has shown that serious heart issues and increased blood pressure can be caused if you use mouthwash two times a day.

Green Tea and Plaque Removal
Luckily, we have a natural form of mouthwash for your oral care. According to study has shown the following: people with existing periodontal diseases and changed their diet to one that included more fruits, veggies, spices, lentils, peas, beans potatoes, grains with water as the preferred drink. The results have showed that the healthier the food strengthens the oral health.

Also said that not only sugar that have negative impact on our oral health, but all other foods that we consume. The scientists have proved that mouth washing with green tea strongly and significantly inhibited the growth of plaque bacteria on the teeth in only few min.

The number of harmful bacteria was nearly cut in half just 7 min after swishing with green tea.
The scientists have also discovered that green tea worked better in plaque reduction against chlorhexidine without all the chemicals that mouthwash contains. Green tea is clearly the much safer option when it comes to health. For more effective and safer way to practice oral health, you should definitely consider ditching your mouth wash full of chemicals.


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