The Healthiest Food on Earth. It Can Lower Cholesterol & Blood Pressure, Prevents Heart Attack & Stroke

DATES is one of the healthiest food on earth.  They solve many health problems like cholesterol or hypertension and even prevent strokes.

Dates contain high levels of valuable nutrients that enable the body to stay healthy and fight off diseases with ease. Read more to know why they are so good and healthy and abut their benefits:

1. Excellent Source of Iron
This is useful for individuals with anemia, children and pregnant women. Just 100 g of dates contain about 0.90 mg iron. This means it is equal to 11% of the daily recommended intake. The iron takes care of the hemoglobin and red blood cells so it makes better oxygen flow to the bloodstream. 

2. Stops and Prevents Diarrhea
It contain potassium which is useful in stopping diarrhea. Additionally, the dates helps the intestinal flora quickly to recover. With regular consumption of dates it is much easier for the intestines to create good bacteria. 

3. Deals with Constipation
Aside from treating diarrhea, dates also relieves constipation. Put dates in clean water for the whole night and the next morning, consume the dissolved juice to enhance the bowel’s performance. It is a mild and effective laxative.

4. Keeps the Optimal Body Weight
They are packed with nutrients which can regulate the body weight and prevent excess fat build up. Eat them on an empty stomach for best results. Since they contain no cholesterol, dates are the perfect slim down food to have at home. However, they are very rich in sugar, so take them moderately to prevent weight gain as a side effect.

5. Lower Cholesterol Levels
The bad cholesterol or LDL is cured by consuming dates. They also provide blood vessels cleanse and do not allow fats to get attached to the heart and cause blood clots.

6. Natural Heart Strengthener
For better heart health, put the dates to soak in water during the night. In the morning, strain this and remove seeds. Seeds can be blended and consume during the day.

7. Regulates Blood Pressure
Dates have potassium and almost 0 sodium so they are healthy for the hypertension patients. Also, 5-6 dates contain 80 mg magnesium. This is a mineral that makes blood vessels spread more and have better blood circulation. If you take around 370 mg of magnesium, as some studies suggest, this amount will lower your blood pressure instantly.

8. Prevents Stroke
Dates are very powerful when it comes to keeping the nervous system safe, thus preventing strokes of any sort. This is due to the potassium in them. With 400 mg potassium daily, you lessen stroke chances by 40%.


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