Shocking VIDEO!!! See How the Cancer Spreads Through the Body!

Cancer is one of the most serious diseases of our time. Medicine, however progress and the fight against this terrible disease, there is no real solutions. One reason is precisely that you, even when you remove the primary position, it appears somewhere else in the body.

Cancer symptoms could be divided in three groups:

Local symptoms: 
Unusual lumps or swellings (tumors), bleeding, pain and ulceration. Appearance of yellow color on the skin and eyes could be result from the suppressed tissues.

Symptoms of metastasis (spreading): 
Enlarged lymph nodes, cough, hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), pain in the bones, fragility of the affected bones and neurological symptoms. The pain is not one of the signs even if the cancer is not in the first stage.

Systemic symptoms: 
Sudden weight loss, exhaustion, loss of appetite, cachexia, excessive sweating, anemia, and specific paraneoplastic phenomena (specific conditions caused by cancer like thrombosis or hormonal changes).

Cancer can cause these conditions, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they indicate cancer.
Researchers try to learn how cancer spreads though the body, and this video shows clearly how it is happening:


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