Many people are spending lots and lots of money to cosmetic surgeries, especially for altering their nose shapes. Some were naturally born with perfect, pointy nose while some are not very fortunate to be blessed to acquire such characteristics.
“It is possible to change the shape of your nose?” Now, would you want to know how to make your nose narrower and slender? I’ll tell you a secret: Face Yoga Method. This exercise can help to firm up the muscles around the nostrils and as a result, they can reshape, tone up and narrow the nose area. Just follow these simple procedures on how to achieve that perfect-nose look without surgery.
1. Make an O-shape with your mouth, stretching your nose down.
2. Next, close your nostrils halfway using your left and right index finger so that you can still breathe with your nose.
3. Look up the ceiling without wrinkling your forehead. This is very important.
4. Breathe through your nostrils while moving it fighting against your index finger. You should feel the contractions. Keep breathing.
5. Do this exercise for 10 seconds, 3 sets every day.
You cannot expect overnight changes while doing this exercise once a week. This procedure can take for a very long time to achieve desired results, it is important to know that patience is virtue. Remember that the nose area is made of cartilage, not muscle so it can only work on the muscle around the nose.
Do this every day with patience and without fail, you’ll see the results of your efforts in no time.
Source: wattafox
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