Natural Homemade Syrup Cures Cough And Removes Phlegm From The Lungs

Carrots are extremely beneficial vegetables are great source of vitamin A and B carotene. Carrots is very healthy antioxidant rich drink, which can reduce high blood pressure and diabetes.

It is better to drink fresh carrot juice than eating it raw because the nutrient content will be even more concentrated in the juice.

This natural remedy can cure cough and effectively remove the phlegm from the lungs. This remedy can be used in both, children and adults.

Health benefits of carrots:
Boost the  Immune System And Controls Heart Diseases
Lower Cholesterol Level
Protects Against Cancer
Prevents Acne
Source Of Vitamins Needed For Skin
Source of Calcium
Improve Digestion
Detoxify  the Body

Ingredients needed:

½ kg of carrot
3-4 tablespoons of honey

First, cut the carrots into small pieces and pour them over with water. Now, boil, until the carrots soften and remove them from the heat. Strain the water and don`t throw it. Let it cool. Mash the carrots with blender or with a fork.

In the water, add the honey, mix well. Now, add the mixture to the mashed carrots. The syrup is ready! Keep the syrup in cold place.

Take 3-4 spoons of the syrup during the day. After 1-2 days you will notice the results.

Source: healthyfoodstar


  1. Cough seems to be a constant and irritating problem for me whenever I expose myself to infuriating environments. I am fed up with over-the-counter medication. My online search for natural remedies landed me on your article. I never knew carrots are that resourceful. Do you have other foods or herbs that I can use to get rid of my cough, naturally? The following article suggests that peppermint is also a resourceful cough treatment:
