1. He’s Selfish
Good relationships are built on compromise. If your man is too selfish to compromise, and wants everything his own way, it’s a surefire sign that he’s not a keeper. Moreover, it’s also a sign that he just hasn’t grown up yet. Healthy, mature men know how to compromise. They know that if they invest in a relationship the right way, they’ll get a lot more out of it.

2. He Doesn’t Have Any Ambitions
A man with lack of ambition can be really damaging to a relationship, , it’s pretty clear that he doesn’t have any real world ambitions. As long as he’s got you and his video games, he’s happy.

3. You Still Haven’t Introduced Him To Your Family
When you know instinctively that a man is Mr Right, you waste no time introducing him to your nearest and dearest.

If you’re not sure about him, you hesitate; you’re just not sure that your mom and dad will be able to deal with him, and you’re definitely not sure whether they’ll like him.

If this is you right now, it’s a telltale sign that you’re with the wrong guy.

4. He’s Unreliable
If the man often forgets that you’re supposed to be meeting up, you should probably reconsider this relationship. Don’t date someone who can’t even be bothered to remember dates. He’s just wasting your time. Time is precious..

5. Your Values Are Different.
It’s important to meet a man who shares your core values so that you’re always singing from the same song sheet. It’s okay to have different tastes and interests, but compatible values are fundamental.

6. He Has No Respect For Boundaries
Even Mr Right will ask you to do things that make you feel uncomfortable in the early stages of a relationship, but he’ll respect you enough to back off whenever you say you don’t want to do something.

Moreover, he’ll learn about your likes and dislikes and will eventually refrain from asking you to do anything that makes you feel awkward.

Mr Wrong, however, will persist until he either gets a Yes or a slap in the face.

7. He Makes You Feel Bad
If a man doesn’t make you feel happy, constantly always put you down publicly and disgrace you in front of your friends. it’s a massive warning sign that he’s Mr Wrong. Your boyfriend should be your first point of call when you need a shoulder to cry on, and it’s his obligation to raise you up whenever you feel down.

8. You Have To Make Excuses For Him
It’s natural to defend our partner, but if you keep on making excuses for your man’s inexcusable behaviour, it’s probably time to find a man who respects those around him.

9. You Can’t Trust Him
If your man  tells little white lies, or perhaps he gets really secretive about things. Maybe he is hiding his phone, or perhaps something he said about his whereabouts just doesn’t make sense.

10. You Can’t Be Yourself
if your partner makes you feel bad for being yourself, so much so that you have to wear a mask and walk on eggshells just to impress them, it’s a clear sign that he’s Mr Wrong.

Stay happy!

Source: beautyandtips


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