10 Heart Attack Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. According to World Health Organization {WHO] an estimated 17.3 million people died from cardio vascular disease in 2008 alone, and by 2030, more than 23 million die annually from CVDs.

One of the reason it’s so deadly is that people may be too slow to seek help when symptoms arise. In real life heart attack symptoms may not be so intense or obvious and they vary from person to person.

Many people want to just ignore any potential symptoms and hope they go away on their own. It’s embarrassing to make a fuss if it turns out to be a false alarm. But, this is the worst attitude to have with a possible heart attack. The faster you get treatment the better your chance of survival.

Here are 10 symptoms that may signal heart problems:

1. Shortness of Breath and Dizziness
Breathlessness can indicate heart disease when you are not suffering from asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Dizziness is also a symptom of heart disease.

2. Pressure
A feeling of discomfort, like something pressing or tightening of chest area is a symptoms of heart problem.

3. Sickness
Vomiting, indigestion, stomach ache or feeling sick can also happen during heart attack.

4. Pain Elsewhere
The pain is not always confined to the chest area. It can start from the chest and reach up to the neck and jaw. Based on study number of heart attack patients were admitted to hospitals without complaining chest pain or discomfort.

5. Chest Pain
While not all patients has to do with the heart, it is important to pay attention as to where exactly the pain is coming from, Jean C. McSweeney, PhD. R.N, associate dean for research of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Colleges of Nursing, told Web MD that heart-related chest pain is often centred under the breastbone, a little to the left of the centre. The pain can feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest, and sometimes it can be an uncomfortable feeling or fullness, pressure or squeezing.

6. Anxiety
Anxiety or feeling of foreboding about your health, accompanied by light headedness or dizziness, can be your body’s way of telling you that your heart has a problem.

7. Looks Ill
People who are about to suffer from a heart attack can look gravely ill. As the blood pressure drops so low, they may look grey and observably unwell.

8. Palpitations
Rapid or abnormal heartbeat accompanied by weakness, dizziness or shortness of breath are also symptoms of heart problems or arrhythmia.

9. Tiredness and Weakness
Many people who suffered from heart attack experienced tiredness and severe weakness. Women in particular mostly experience these symptoms.

10. Sweating
Heart attack patients often break out in cold sweat prior to the attack.

Source: stethnews


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