Vodka is not just for cocktails anymore, vodka is a versatile, potent potable with cleaning powers aplenty.

There are many legitimate ways to use vodka. Here are the surprising uses.
1. Foot deodorizer - Stinky feet are the worst. Solve the problem with a natural deodorant: Vodka. Reader's Digest recommends mixing vodka with water and using a spray bottle to clean smelly shoes.
2. Deodorize laundry - If you've been out at a smoky bar and don't want to wash your clothes from the night before, spritz them with vodka and hang in a well-ventilated area, as recommended by This Old House.
3. Treat poison ivy - Summer hiking means a greater risk of poison ivy. If you find yourself with a nasty rash, follow the advice of Reader's Digest and pour vodka directly onto the skin to clean away the poison oils.
4. Cool a jelly fish sting - Swimming in the ocean is fun, but it comes with serious risks. If you're stung by a jelly fish, Esquire recommends pouring vodka onto the sting to disinfect the area and quell the pain.
5. Insect repellent - Don't waste your cash on OFF! and other store-bought insect repellents. Use vodka, as suggested by Do It Yourself. Mix it with fresh basil, lavender, or another sweet-smelling herbs and oils to counter the harsh smell.
6. Keep flowers fresher longer - We all love getting flowers. It's a shame they wilt so quickly. To keep flowers fresher longer, mix a few drops of vodka and a teaspoon of sugar into the water of your flower vase. Esquire says to change the solution daily.
7. Soothe aching muscles - While drinking after working out may make you sick, This Old House says kneading sore muscles with a bag full of water and vodka frozen to a slushy-like consistency can feel like a miracle.
8. Remove upholstery stains - Doest that years-old spot on your couch drive you crazy? It's time to remove it. This Old House suggests using a clean cloth dipped in vodka to rub out the stain.
Source: remedydaily
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