Ovarian cancer has taken lot of lives over the past decades and people often refer to it as a” silent killer”. Since it is hard to diagnose this type of cancer in its early stage, it is no wonder people refer to it this way.
Early symptoms of ovarian cancer are often misinterpreted as signs of some harmless illness. But, there is a huge difference here. Unlike some harmless medical conditions, the symptoms of ovarian cancer remain persistent for a long time, sometimes until it’s too late. Unluckily, many women ignore such minor symptoms, and cannot understand that their regular visit to the doctor may save their life.

Monitor your health condition regularly, and be careful in determining the duration of your symptoms. If they seem to be persistent, even you have received some therapy, don’t hesitate and go through another tests and examinations.
If you have the same symptoms for 4 weeks, tell your doctor about it and pay close attention to the things they suggest.
Abdominal Bloating, Pressure and Pain
Women often feel bloated, particularly before the period or when they consume certain types of foods that are known to cause bloating.
But, bloating is also an early symptom of ovarian cancer. It varies from being normal to being so excessive that it is impossible to wear a tight dress or zip regular pants. In case of ovarian cancer, it always gives uncomfortable and constant bloating.
If despite taking diuretics and other medicines, you still feel bloated after 2 weeks, consult your doctor as soon as possible.
Note: Bloating is often associated with indigestion, constipation, flatulence, improper nutrition, and similar gastrointestinal issues.
Frequent urination
If you need to go to the toilet more often and you don’t drink more water than before, then you should consult your doctor. Frequent urination is a common symptom of ovarian cancer, and you should check your urinary tract and reproductive system. This symptom is usually accompanied with strong urges to urinate, even in case of empty bladder.
Note: Frequent urination can be also caused by urinary tract infection. The doctor will first suspect that you have urinary infection but if the symptoms are still there after the treatment, consult a gynecologist.
Source: healthyrecipeshome
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