Grow Taller By 3 To 6 Inches At Any Age! 5 Simple Exercises That Will Increase Your Height Naturally

If you have a desire to grow tall and add a few inches to your height naturally through exercises. Whatever your age may be, the exercises given in this article will help you gain extra height through natural exercises. 

These workouts are scientifically proven to increase height even after puberty. By stretching and flexing your body, these exercises will stimulate your body to secrete HGH, which will increase your body height.


You just need a solid bar strong enough to hold an individual, fix it at least 7 feet above the ground such that the distance between your feet and the floor is at least 4-6 inches. 

Hold your arms neither closer nor wider and start hanging. Hold as long as you can, and as you begin to tire, slowly swing back and forth and try to touch the ground with your feet. This will flex your spine and elongate it, so that you can add few inches to your height

Make sure that you flex your spine while stretching, and not merely twisting your wrists
Perform the Workout 3 times a week for optimal results


This exercise is solely intended to increase the length of your lower body, by stretching the cartilage between your knees. Prolonged stretching will elongate the cartilage and increase its mass, which in turn will increase the length your lower body

Sit on a high chair and use an Ankle weight fastener to add weights to your ankle. Begin with small weights initially and gradually increase as you go on. Allow your legs to stretch down with the pressure of the weights. 

Once completed, remove the weights and relax your legs by kicking your legs gently for 5-10 times, and then vigorously for 5-10 times. This will flex your knee cartilage to enable it to grow in length

Repeat this exercise 3 times a week for optimal results


This is an excellent exercise to stretch your spine and lengthen your upper body. I
Lie on your back with your arms along your sides, palms down. 

With your legs together, extend them straight up toward the ceiling and bend them backwards so that they touch the floor. It may not be possible to touch the floor at first, but you can do this by practice. The more you stretch your legs, the more your spine lengthens.


Sit straight on a mat. Your legs are extended about shoulder width apart, and your feet are flexed. Reach the top of your head but let your shoulders stay relaxed. Inhale and then extend your arms out in front of you and slowly bend forward and try to touch the tips of your toes.
You can repeat this exercise 3-4 times and hold each stretch for 10-15 seconds


This is basically a Yoga exercise intended to increase your vertical height. Lie straight on the floor then with your palms down your face on the floor exact under your shoulders. Begin to arch spin up leading with chin. Arch your body as far as you can do/ 
Do it 3-4 times with each repetition lasting between 5-30 seconds

Our body needs HGH (Human Growth hormone) that is essential for the growth of the long bones of your body. HGH is secreted in your body by the pituitary gland and it helps in the growth of bones and cartilages in your body. Through HGH is naturally produced inside your body, you need ample Growth Hormone to ensure maximum growth of your body. 

Source: ymedicine


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