A Heart Attack Can Be Predicted Even Months Before: Your Hair Warns You, And Here’s how.

Chest pain is best known as an early sign of heart attack. Although, many of those who have had heart attack didn’t experience chest pain at all.

Some heart attacks can be slow and other can happen very fast, it depends form many reasons. Some people don’t go to the hospital neglecting other lesser-known symptoms. It is very important to get medical help in time rather when it is too late.

Did you know that your hair can detect every change in your body and that the level of cortisol (stress hormone) can show that you’re going to have a heart attack, even months before it occurs? 

A latest research conducted by a team of Canadian scientists, they looked into the connection between stress from work, marriage problems and financial difficulties and the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They discovered that there is a biological marker which can predict a heart attack months before it occurs.

Cortisol is conventionally measured through blood, urine and saliva tests. However, the hair is different – it grows about a centimetre a month, so a strand long 6 inches can show a long period of increased stress levels.

As professors Stan Van Mind and Gideon Koran from the University of Western Ontario found out, high levels of cortisol were present in the blood, urine and saliva of the subjects for days and hours before the analysis.

These claims are based on a study which examined hair samples from 56 people who’ve suffered a heart attack and compared them to hair samples from people who hadn’t suffered a heart attack but had other medical conditions. 

Source: mindszen


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