10 Effective Herb For Treating Asthma!

Approximately 26 million people in the United States of America suffering from asthma an information published by the American College of Asthma, Immunology and Allergy. Both children and adults suffer from this issues.

 Asthma is a common respiratory disorder in which there is inflammation and narrowing of airways in the lungs. Asthma causes wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. These airways allow air to come in and out of the lungs.

These are the top 10 very helpful plants used for treatments of asthma:

Oregano is packed with anti-inflammatory properties which makes it very helpful in treating asthma. If the bronchial tubes and respiratory tract have infections the oregano is used to give some relief to them, it contains carvacrol, flavonoids and terpenes that work as lung-cleansing elements.

Consume 3 teaspoon, of oregano and put it into a glass with hot water. Then, leave it there for some 5 to 15 minutes and then strain it. If the taste is very strong for you, then you can put some honey in it, if you want to soften the taste. If you are having attacks take this drink 3 times during the day.

Furthermore, the oregano can help you to stop and control the cough if you use the oregano as a juice. You will make the juice by squeezing 1tbsp from the extract of fresh leaves of oregano and also you will consume it 3 times during the day.

Ginger is similar to oregano, due to its anti- inflammatory characteristics, that lower the inflammation of the airway and also give passage to make the breathing easier.

The American Thoracic Society International Conference presented a research in 2013, claims that ginger provides help to relax smooth muscle tissue in the airway. Many other researches are being made, however there aren’t some concrete information and evidence, but hey there is nothing bad if we try the effects of this amazing herb, correct?

Here’s the recipe for making ginger tea: You will use chopped in slices ginger that has the size to an inch and you will add it into a hot boiling water. Before you strain it and drink it you will leave it to stand for 10 minutes. You should consume it 2 or 3 times during the day.

Moreover, you can make a combination of pomegranate juice, ginger juice and honey, you will put them together in equal part and use this mixture whose consistency is a little bit sticky opposed to the juice. Take 1 tablespoon two to three times daily. Furthermore, many other supplements of this herb are being sold in the markets, but it is preferable for you to consult your physician whether they are good for you or not.

Turmeric is a powerful herb that prevent asthma attacks and other allergies. It contains the most important ingredients curcumin, which is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It helps in prohibiting and fighting the symptoms.

The powder made of turmeric it can be found in any part of the world. So, you will take the turmeric and use 1 teaspoon, then you will mix it with 1 cup of milk and you will boil the mixture. When it cools down, you will consume it and you can do that 2 times during the day. The curcumin may be found in supplements also, but again you should ask your doctor whether to use it or not.

This herb is full of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory characteristic, which makes it an excellent treatment for asthma attacks. The Journal Huazhong of Science and Technology published the results and evidence of a study that has been made regarding the helpful characteristics of this herb, along with a number of other studies made. The herb prevents the inflammatory cells to pass through the airway.

Gingko bilboa can be found as supplements as well, but again like the previous ones you should contact your doctor more importantly is if you are taking some other medications, then you should definitely contact your doctor.


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