You Must Know These Simple Steps To Grow Your Hair Overnight

This mixture is rich in hair protein which helps improve blood circulation hence it helps grow hair much faster. So keep reading to check out these EASY STEPS To Grow Your Hair Overnight!

Here are the three ingredients you’ll need for this magic mixture:
2 tablespoon Castor Oil
1 Egg Yolk                                                                                                                                                 1 tablespoon honey                                                                                                                                                                              
In a small bowl, add 2 tablespoon castor oil, then add one egg yolk in the bowl. Finally, add 1 tablespoon honey in the bowl and mix all the ingredients for 2-3 minutes. Make sure the ingredients are blended well. You’ve got the magic mixture ready!

Brush your hair thoroughly so there are no tangles. Divide your hair into sections and apply this mixture all over your head, focusing on the scalp. For best results, apply the mixture using your fingers as it helps with blood circulation. Massage the mixture into your hair so your scalp can absorb the essential nutrients. Cover your hair with a shower cap and sleep. Wash your hair normally in the morning.

Repeat this procedure 1-2 times a week for two months.
Castor Oil contains ricinoleic acid and omega 6 fatty acids which helps accelerate blood circulation in the scalp and increases hair growth.
Egg yolk helps restore hair and scalp’s moisture. It contains fatty acid, protein and vitamins that fastens hair growth and makes it strong.
Honey is rich in antioxidants and a natural stimulant that controls hair damage and helps the growth of hair.

Source: splatter


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