Simple Ways On How To Make Your Neck Look Younger

Everyone wants to maintain a younger look and they don’t want to look older. Many expensive beauty products that find in the market just to make them look younger while others try surgical procedures.

Most people focus on the facial skin for treatment, but the neck is the part that’s being ignored most of the time. The skin on the neck also becomes thin and wrinkled as a person age just like the skin in the face.

The muscles on the neck are called platysma – they are not attached to bones or ligaments on the body which is why they become saggy as you age. 

To counter this many people will try putting creams and other chemical-based products, by just a correct lifestyle, skin care and exercise, a young-looking neck will come to a possibility.

Here are some natural ways on how to have a youthful and flawless neck.

1. Vitamin C
A known source of antioxidant is vitamin C. Really beneficial is taking oral supplements or even foods containing vitamin C. SPF moisturizer together with it, can really boost the effect according to research. That people must look for a serum with L-ascorbic acid for quick absorption into the skin recommends a dermatologist named Beatriz Molina.

2. Avoid Sun Damage
Exposure to sun is dangerous for the skin neck. This is why you must use 30 SPF sunscreen which contains zinc and titanium that will block the harmful UVA and UVB rays. 

3. Have a Regular Exercise
Doing specific neck exercises would be very beneficial in order to a firm and young-looking neck. That people who exercise at least twice a week have thicker, more elastic skin have shown many studies. It is also said that the exercises are effective as oxygen circulates better.

4. Try a Collagen Supplement
Collagen is a part of the connective tissue that in the skin helps in firmness, suppleness and constant renewal of skin cells” according to News-Medical. It is also stated that collagen is vital for skin elasticity. Thus, really effective would be taking a genuine collage supplement.

5. Consume Fatty Acids Before Sleeping at Night
Eating foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids like salmon, sardines, avocado, spinach, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, etc. before bedtime. This is because these fatty acids are used to produce collagen and rebuild skin cells. About four hours before sleeping try eating these foods.

Now, consulting a dermatologist would still be the best option regarding the issue.

We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. 

Thank You and have a nice day!


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