Here’s How to Prepare Okra Water- Recipe Against Diabetes, Kidney Disease and Cholesterol

Okra, or “lady`s fingers” is a popular plant which offers incredible health benefits.
The pronunciation of the name differs in numerous parts of the world, and while it is known as “okra” in the GB, the USA, and the Philippines, it is pronounced as “okro” in Nigeria and on the Caribbean.

This amazing plant is rich with different nutrients, 1 glass of fresh okra contains:

  • 60 ml of magnesium
  • 80 micrograms of folate
  • 1 g of fat
  • 2 g of protein
  • 6 g of carbohydrates
  • 3 g of dietary fiber
  • 21 g of vitamin C
  • 30 calories

You can consumed throughout the entire year, in different ways, fried, boiled, stewed, or pickled.

The consumption of this plant has multiple health benefits, including:

  • Lowers cholesterol levelsBoost immune system
  • Prevents diabetes
  • Reduces the glucose levels consumed by food via the gastrointestinal tract
  • Relieves asthma symptoms
  • Prevents kidney diseases

We will present the recipe of okra water, a drink which will help you naturally regulate your blood sugar levels:

Ingredients for this recipe are:

  • 4 raw okra
  • A cup of water

Cut the heads and tails of the okras and place them into the water. Leave them thus during the night.

How to use:
Consume this drink on an empty stomach every morning, 30 minutes before your breakfast.
You will be amazed by the results!!


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