Rub Your Feet With This And Say Goodbye To Cracked Heels, Corns And Varicose Veins In Just 10 Days!

Many people often suffer from some issues with their feet, like dry skin, corns, or cracked heels, which are usually caused by improper care, uncomfortable shoes, lack of moisture in the skin, or poor diet. 

Fortunately, there is an amazing remedy which can solve all these problems, as well as the issues, related to varicose veins.


  1. 1 tablespoon turmeric
  2. 10 aspirin pills
  3. 1 cup medicinal alcohol

Pour the alcohol into a suitable plastic container. Then, add the turmeric. Crush the aspirin pills and add the powder to the mixture. Cover with a lid and leave the remedy for 24 hours.

How to use:
Every night rub your feet with this remedy, put a cotton cloth over them, and cover it with a plastic wrap. Put your socks on to secure it.

In the morning remove the coating, and wash the feet with lukewarm water. Apply some moisturizing cream on the feet.

Repeat the procedure for 10 days. It will successfully treat corns, cracked heels, and varicose veins.


  1. user's comfortable foot massage machine is very crucial for one when it's about cracked feet. Cracked feet make us feel embarrassed and also rough. It hurts our feet too.Even it hampers our stylish living.A foot massager can fix up these all.
