“The Fountain Of Youth” – A Magical Remedy That Makes You Look 10 Years Younger!

Aging is a normal biological process which brings many changes in your body, and some of them can be very difficult to accept. To be honest, aging is never welcome.

Luckily, alternative medicine has discovered something for what they believe is ‘The fountain of youth’. Just by consuming this home remedy, you will look 10 years younger and healthy, you only need 2 ingredients for this recipe water and magnesium chloride.

What’s Magnesium Chloride?
Magnesium is an important mineral that gives numerous health benefits. Moreover, it’s a mineral that has the amazing anti-aging effects on the body.  What happens when we age is considerable drop in energy levels and most of the enzymes involved in the production of energy depend on magnesium. 

The thing is, a healthy cell has high magnesium and low calcium levels, and nearly 30% of the cell energy is used to pump calcium out of the cells. And, magnesium chloride maintains a soft body structure. Plus, many enzyme processes, particularly those related to cellular energy production largely depend on this mineral. It also plays major role for your brain health and nervous system function as well as healthy teeth and bones.

Magnesium is mostly found inside the cells, where it stimulates a number of enzymes and takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and amino acids. To maintain proper chemical balance in the body, which is a result of a chemical process called electrolysis, it’s vital to have sufficient daily intake of this mineral.

Magnesium chloride has proved much more beneficial than other magnesium compounds.

Magnesium Chloride Health Benefits

  • Improves digestion
  • Boost energy
  • Stimulates weight-loss
  • Protects against osteoporosis
  • Protects blood vessels 
  • Relieves menstrual problems
  • Eases headaches
  • Improves central nervous system function
  • Has anti-carcinogenic properties
  • Reduces depression
  • Protects against common viruses
  • Rejuvenates organism
  • Increases libido

Magnesium Chloride Home Remedy – RECIPE

  1. Put 1 litre of water in a pot and bring it to boil.
  2. When the water starts to boil, remove from heat and leave it to cool
  3. When it reaches room temperature, add 33g magnesium chloride (powder). You can get it at any drugstore.

When taking this treatment, it is very important to know the right dosage, which is determined by age. It’s not recommended for children younger than 10.

Dosage According To Age:

  • 10 to 40 years – ½ cup in the morning
  • 40 to 70 years - 1 cup in the morning
  • 70 and above – 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup before bedtime

The rejuvenating effects these remedy has on the body as well as on improving overall health have all been backed up by science.

Source: healthyfoodteam


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