Breaking CNN – Parents Be Careful: These Are Not Gummy Candies, It’s A New Lethal Drugs!

This is another type of medication called “strawberry meth” – gem meth with strawberry flavour. This drug is a subspecies of methamphetamine, which is used for many years in the West and can kill individuals.

Additionally, you can find this medication in different flavors like chocolate. Warn your kids because this is definitely one of the ugliest and most brief ways to death.

This synthetic drug is becoming very popular in the USA and the EU nations. Consistently, number of addicts and clients of this medication increases every year, and the authorities have been feeble to stop the entrance of insidiousness, especially through youngsters.

If this drug is taken for a long time, it can cause a great psychological disorder and disturb the whole organism. This powder looks like small precious stones is otherwise called “ice”, might be taken sniffing, smoking, orally and even intravenously – a syringe.

The generation procedure is exceptionally straightforward, and when you take, it unequivocally enacts certain cerebrum cells. Those individuals who take it, they create solid mental and physical reliance.

One gram of this drug costs around 70 euros and it is created in home laboratories. It can be taken as an infusion or as a pill that sniffed as a powder.

The signs that people who use this drug have include: physical deterioration, disgusting blisters and eczema throughout the whole body, and a diagnosis with HIV.


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