Avoid 3 Unhealthy Habits That Cause A Bloated Stomach

Bloating stomach and gases are quite uncomfortable medical conditions. It affects a large number of people. In order to stay away from this unpleasant discomfort, do these three things and avoid bloating, gas and flow as much as possible.

Digest your food properly
In order to avoid bloating and gas you need to digest your food properly. Undigested foods can easily cause intestinal gas and discomfort.

People who are intolerant to gluten or lactose should stay away from foods that contain gluten or dairy products because your body cannot digest these foods properly.

Another cause for these conditions is deficiency of beneficial gut bacteria, which are crucial for proper digestion. Namely, if there is lack of the necessary intestinal bacteria, your stomach won’t be able to work effectively. 

You should be aware that beneficial gut bacteria will be depleted due to an unhealthy diet, antibiotics or other medications or due to poorly absorbed carbohydrates.

Foods that cause bloating and gas
Many foods can cause gas, discomfort and bloating. Moreover, they may provoke a session of acid reflux, a condition when stomach acid comes up through the esophagus and causes heartburn.

The fatty foods cause intestinal gas and a build-up of gasses in the intestines. Experts say that fatty foods are very hard to digest, and that is the reason why they stay in the intestinal system much longer, which furthermore causes uncomfortable sensation of being bloated and full.

 In addition to that, the reason for gas and bloating may be any type of fried food or foods which contains fat in high amounts.

High fiber foods can also be a cause of intestinal distress. Some of the major foods that cause reflux, gas, and bloating are:

  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Dairy products
  • Onions
  • Tomatoes
  • Whole grains

Avoid behaviors that cause bloating, gas, and reflux.
Aside from the above-mentioned foods that very often cause gas and bloating, there are number of behaviors that lead to bloating and gas. Some of these include chewing gum and sucking on candy, along with other similar activities can let excess air be taken into the stomach and cause gas.

Additionally, carbonated drinks, sodas and similar beverages significantly increases the air content into your intestines. Smokers are inhaling more gas while are smoking which also may be the cause for excess air into your digestive system, which will cause gas, bloating and digestive discomfort.

To treat or prevent bloating and gas, is highly recommended to avoid certain foods and refrain from certain behaviors that aggravate this condition. In addition, you can choose to excess counter medications, but only if other natural alternatives do not help.
Always consult your doctor before taking any medication.


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