A few weeks ago, Neon Nettle reported about the medical experts being killed, most of which were in Florida, the United States. The scientists all discussed a typical trait, they had all discovered that Nagalase enzyme protein was being included in injections which were after that supervised to human beings.

What is nagalese enzyme protein? According to nagalese compound is created by all cancer cells. High amounts of this nagalese protein are also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. This protein prevents our body from using the Vitamin D necessary to fight against cancer and to prevent autism. Nagalese enzyme disables the immune system as well and it is a common reason causing Type 2 Diabetes.

And they put this harmful protein enzyme in our vaccines? Here comes the million-dollar question – why? The real truth is that they didn’t kill the doctors because they found the cure for cancer or because the doctors were treating autism successfully. 

They probably killed them because the doctors had been researching and they found the evidence that the vaccines they were injecting in our children were loaded with nagalese enzyme, the main cause for our current cancer and autism crisis. That was all planned, because the doctors that were killed in FL had been collaborating and were getting ready to go public with the information from their research.

Dr. Ted Broer explained everything on the The Hagmann & Hagmann Report. It took him more than 1 hour just to get on air, because the show was disconnected for 3 hours, and they keep disconnecting his line every time he tried to go on air. 

They also asked a lot of people to pray against the attacks, and they finally got him a secure line. After 1 hour of trying to get back in the air and when they finally did it, the first thing Dr. Broer said that he is in no way suicidal. But, he was super nervous and afraid he’d be taken out Hastings style before he gets a chance to say it to publicity.  So listen to this short clip of him breaking the story.
Watch the video

This video is only 19 minutes long, but the most important info can be heard in the first 10 min. Help us out and spread the news!

Source: yournewswire


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