Benefits of Kamias on Your Health

Kamias based in history is originated in Malaysia and Indonesia. Kamias tree is quite attractive, with its short trunk dividing into many upright branches which have clusters of leaves, mainly at the tips. The flowers are small, deep red and have a long strong, sweet scent.

The kamias fruit is narrow, oblong and has five shallow ridges running along its length.  The fruit is crisp when unripe, bright-green to yellowish-green and it has a very high density of sour taste.

Health Benefits of Kamias:
  • Effective as eye drops ( Kamias  juice)
  • Kamias leaf tea leaves or juice are used as a cure for venereal disease.
  • The leaf tea is can relieve rectal inflammation.
  • Protection against coughs.
  • Flower infusion is believed be effective against coughs and thrush.
  • Leaf infusion is a remedy for coughs and is taken after childbirth as a tonic.

The leaves can be applied on skin problems such as poultice on itches, swellings of mumps and rheumatism.

  • The fruit and leaves are applied on bites of poisonous insect.
  • Syrup made from Kamias fruit is taken as a cure for fever and inflammation and to stop rectal bleeding and alleviate internal hemorrhoids.

Nutrients found in Kamias
          Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Protein, Calcium, Phosphorous, Iron, Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Niacin.

Culinary Uses of Kamias:
  • The juice use as cooling drink
  • The fruits can be used as a flavoring for fish and meat dishes. It is also use for pickling and is substituted for mango in chutney. To reduce acidity, it may be first pricked and soaked in water overnight, or soaked in salted water for a shorter time; then it is boiled with much sugar to make a jam or an acid jelly. A quicker pickle is made by putting the fruits and salt into boiling water. This can be kept only 4 to 5 days.
  • Other uses:
  • The juice makes it a good agent for removing stains from the skin.
  • Useful for bleaching stains from white cloth, and also tarnishes from brass.
  • Serves as mordants (serves to fix color) in the preparation of an orange dye for silk fabrics
  • In olden days it was used for cleaning the blade of a keris, the short, wavy dagger of the Malays.


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