Girls Avoid These 4 Beauty Habits That Are Bad For Your Skin And Cause Wrinkles On Face

There are countless beauty products and tips that you hear daily and curious to try out all of these. Well over-doing or not following a strict set of rules for any therapy can cause major side-effects. 

Here are 4 such skin damaging beauty habits that are known cause premature skin ageing and wrinkles: 

All Ladies want to look as beautiful as they can when they go out and because of that, they follow certain beauty routines.

However, some habits that women have actually cause more damage to the skin and also invite premature wrinkles on the face.

Skin gets wrinkled due to unhealthy food and improper habits. You are strongly recommended to quit those bad habits before the collagen and elasticity of your skin is reduced. 

In this article we will present you several bad habits that cause wrinkles and should be avoided as early as possible 

Excessive Cleansing
Most women cleanse their skin which a proper beauty routine. However doing it 3-4 times a week or almost every day is harmful to the skin. 

Excessive cleansing use triggers the elimination of the essential natural oils too, promoting skin dehydration. The lesser the moisture level on the skin is, the higher the chances of getting aging signs and wrinkles

Hot Showers
Hot showers are a great solution of open up the clogged pores and to keep the skin clean. But prolonged exposure to hot temperatures are not good for the skin. They promote dehydration. The skin has a fine coating of natural oils that protect it from the external entities.

 Excessive exposure to hot water erodes away this layer and leaves the skin exposed premature ageing. Make sure not to spend more then 5-7 minutes under a hot shower if you want to save your skin from dehydration.

Over-Exfoliation/ Scrubbing
Scrubbing and exfoliation is a effective solution to get rid of dead skin cells, oils, and other pollutants from the skin. Exfoliating twice a week is a good way to ensure clean skin, but overdoing it can be dangerous. Too much exfoliation can disturb pH balance of skin, and rob it of its natural moisture.
Moreover, hard scrubbing damages the fine layer of the skin and leads to cracks on it. As you can see, the excess of scrubbing and exfoliation can invite wrinkles on your face and outburst of acne. 

Heavy Makeup
Ladies always use a heavy makeup when they want to hide the fine lines on the face, a bump of acne or small dark spots on the skin. It is a quick fix to look beautiful.. However, this should be avoided since it has a harsh impact on the skin. It increases the spread of acne on the face and develops huge pressure on the skin cells. Moreover, it also affects the delicate balance of skin making it prone to infection.

All women should be aware of the fact that the most dangerous thing is to sleep with make-up on since the harmful chemicals contained in it react with the skin and damage it permanently.

This is a reason enough to remove your makeup using a mild cleanser and apply moisturizer on your face before your sleep. In order to maintain a natural glow of your skin, make sure to avoid frequent usage of heavy makeup.

As you can see, these are the 4 bad habits almost all women have and they are affecting the texture and health of your skin. In order to prevent that, try using more natural ingredients for cleansing and scrubbing your skin which will help you to maintain good health of your skin.

The best solutions are natural face mask like honey, Aloe Vera, neem and turmeric which will help you maintain healthy and glowing skin.

Source: health-explorer


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